
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . Sheffield

德国谢菲尔德 Sheffield Measurement Inc   www.sheffieldmeasurement.com
Sheffield Measurement Inc,从1965年开始致力于专业设计和制造坐标测量机,是现代工业革命的创新者,并为现代测量机的标准。Sheffield 现在专注于生产稳固的适合车间环境的测量机系统,能够完成现代工业的精密测量任务,并在汽车、航空、电子、医疗器械、模具制造、能源制造等行业得到广泛应用。

德国谢菲尔德 Sheffield Measurement Inc 瑞士海克斯康计量Hexagon Metrology
Sheffield Measurement Inc. has specialized in the design and manufacture of coordinate measurement machines since 1965. Many of the industry innovations that Sheffield pioneered are standard features of CMMs today. Sheffield now focuses on producing ruggedized CMMs that are ideal for shop floor conditions. Sheffield CMMs perform precision measurement tasks in industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, medical, mold & die making, and power generation.