
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . Zirbus

德国Zirbus  www.zirbus.de
德国Zirbus 冷冻干燥机系列产品
Zirbus technology GmbH is the last real German manufacturer of autoclaves and freeze dryers.

Our complete high-quality product range for laboratories, scientific research institutes, food and pharmaceutical industry as well as for hospitals is manufactured in our factory in Bad Grund / Harz on a production area of 16.000 m².

Technical construction, chamber welding and software development is made by our own staff.

This makes it possible to produce not only innovative and reliable standard products,
but also custom-made machines for your individual requirements and needs.

For this purpose we take advantage of our experience and know-how of more than 3000 delivered machines.

With highest commitment and under consideration of environment and human beings we produce modern and economical machines.