
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

加拿大 . Questron

加拿大Questron  www.qtechcorp.com
传统的敞开式消解系统来做样品前处理容易受到环境等因素的影响,较容易产生样品间的交叉污染。然而,随着计算机科技的发展,和微波技术的产生和发展,利用微波作为加热源,大大节省了样品前处理的时间,为样品分析提供了便利。我们的 QWAVE 1000 微波消解系统可以提供一个安全的便捷的方法进行微波消解。用相同的腔体,配合不同的消解管(UHP, VHP, 或LVHP 消解管)满足不同的客户需求。 如果您的实验室需要通过不同级别的微波系统来满足消解,满足消解后的样品得出可靠的数据,运用不同的方法。QWAVE 1000 是较好的选择。这些消解的样品,是运用定时控制进行微波加热处理过程。

Questron - a leader in testing analysis.
Questron Technologies Corporation, which began operations in 1989, is an entrepreneurial Canadian company engaged in the manufacture, distribution, and servicing of analytical instruments for laboratories in the materials testing, environment, metallurgical, mining/natural resources, power generation, chemicals, oil and gas, agriculture & food, education and government sectors. Our business activities encompass three major areas:

• Manufacture of microwave-assisted and automated hot block digestion sample preparation systems. These products are sold world-wide through a network of distributors and agents.

• Upgrading, refurbishing and servicing of various makes of ICP-OES and Spark-OES Spectrometers. We service the North American market and selected countries where we can form strategic partnerships with technically competent, service-oriented organizations in the laboratory products field.

• Distribution within Canada of analytical instruments from several well-known analytical instrument manufacturers from around the world, including: Horiba Jobin-Yvon (Japan/France), PS Analytical (UK), Buck Scientific (USA) & Heraeus (Germany).

Our objective is to provide the most appropriate and cost-effective product to meet our customers' analytical requirements.