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德国 . Point Electronic
Point Electronic

PE品牌由德国电镜系统公司Point Electronic公司持有 www.pointelectronic.de 

point electronic GmbH is a supplier of electronics and software for scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and related micro-analysis applications.

The company was established in 1992 by a team from the Physics Department of the Martin Luther University in Halle (Saale) to focus on digital image acquisition and analysis products for SEM, and has extended over time to cover complete software control of electron-optic columns and custom development for a range of specialized applications.

Recent product developments include electron beam current instruments (EBIC and EBAC) and topographic imaging (3D) in the SEM.

Every microscope configuration and install is carefully tailored to each customer, as SEM/TEM customization and upgrades are at the core of the company ethos. For this, the company is employing its own platform of highly modular parts designed for highest performance and productivity.

As a vendor independent supplier, point electronic GmbH has completed over 2,000 installations on electron microscopes from all major manufacturers. Worldwide distribution and service is provided through a network of more than 30 partners.

Design and manufacture is based in Halle (Saale) in Germany.