
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

中国 . 天地精仪

北京天地精仪  www.tiandijingyi.com
北京天地精仪科技有限公司(BTTC)注册于北京中关村科技园区内,集研制、开发、生产和经营为一体的高新技术企业。我公司拥有一批专业研制开发双机复叠式制冷、单机自动复叠式制冷设备的设计人员队伍。所开发的“天寒”系列超低温产品拥有自主知识产权,具有世界先进水平,打破了我国某些超低温设备需求长期依赖进口的局面,从而成为全球超低温类产品一支新生的力量。主要产品有:-60℃ 、-86℃、-120℃等系列超低温冰箱(Ultra-low temperature freezer, deep freezer)(又称超低温冰柜, 超低温保存箱, 超低温实验箱, 超低温冷冻箱, 医用低温冰箱, 医用低温保存箱等)、-80℃实验型冻干机(freeze dryer)(又称冷冻干燥机,冷冻

式干燥机,真空冷冻干燥机,超低温冷冻干燥机等)、低温液浴、-100℃超低温冷阱(cold trap, chiller)(又称低温冷阱,Parylene真空涂敷冷阱氟冷阱,液氮冷阱,氟冷挡板,真空冷阱,超低温冷阱)、金属低温冷处理箱(超低温金属处理箱,超低温冷冻机组,超低温制冷机组,热沉实验低温机组)、-150℃气体扑集器(cryopump)(国产polycold,深冷泵,水汽深冷泵,低温冷凝泵,超低温捕集泵,水汽捕集泵)等超低温设备。产品被广泛应用于科研院所、医疗卫生、军事航空、生物制药、高校电子、金属加工等行业。我公司产品已经远销全国各地及新加坡、马来西亚、土尔其、朝鲜等国家和地区,以较强的性价比优势逐渐赢得了国内、国际市场的认可。同时根据客户需求设计生产其它非标超低温设备。在市场经济腾飞的今天,我们将凭着不懈的拼搏和开拓精神为中华民族超低温应用行业的兴盛做出卓著的贡献! 
As one of the major suppliers of Ultra- Low Temperature Freezers, we have built up our reputation all over the world for quality and dependability. Our TIANHAN series of products, based on world famous components such as Danfoss, Tecumseh, etc, have satisfied the most stringent demand of the customers and has earned the trust of professionals in many fields. Our company has an excellent research and development team which marvelously applies the leading technologies to designing, developing and producing Ultra-low temperature product series, such as -60℃ 、-86℃ 、 -120℃ ultra low

temperature freezers(deep freezers), -80℃freeze dryer, and -135℃ Water Vapor Cryopump,-100℃ — -160℃ Chiller Series(cold trap) and non-standard refrigeration equipments developed according to our customers’ demand. Our products are specifically designed for and welcomed by Scientific Research Institutes, Medical and Health, Aviation & Military, Biological Pharmacy, College Research Institutes of Electronics, Metal Process, Electronic Industry, Chemical Industry, Offshore Fishing Industry and so on.

Our company has acquired certificates of ISO9001, CE and our products have been welcomed all over the world, such as UK, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia, Turkey and Korea, etc. Our products, with high performance-price ratio and our fast response service team have earned approval and praise both from the domestic and international markets.