
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

其他国家 . Unisense

丹麦Unisense  www.unisense.com






Unisense A/S was established in 1998 by a team of university scientists with more than 20 years of experience in developing, constructing, and applying microsensors.


From 1993-1998, seven researchers from the Department of Biology at the University of Aarhus in Denmark received approximately 1.5 million Euro for research and technological development, primarily from the 4th European Frame Program of the European Commission. During this period, a series of innovative sensors and measuring principles were developed, three of which were subsequently patented internationally. In keeping with the demands of The European Commission to exploit the new developments commercially, the company Unisense was founded in 1998.


The company grew and now encompasses the production of sensors and measuring equipment as well as specialized development of measuring principles for a wide range of applications, serving scientists worldwide.


Some of this development led to the founding of a subsidiary company, Unisense FertiliTech, in 2003. The activities of this company are focused in the rapidly growing medical market and are based on two international patents pending on sensors for blood perfusion and devices to improve in vitro fertilization.


In 2005, in order to serve our widely branching groups of customers and interests, Unisense was divided into three branches: Unisense Science, Unisense FertiliTech , and Unisense Medical.