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美国 . GE Analytical Instruments

通用电气集团分析仪器公司GE Analytical Instruments www.geinstruments.com www.gewater.com
通用电气集团分析仪器公司以产品创新而闻名遐迩,并且拥有 30 多项专利。公司承诺通过优异的技术、制造能力和产品支持,使客户得到最大的满意。通用电气集团分析仪器公司,从位于上海的世界著名的通用电气中国技术中心,为中国市场提供服务。
通用电气集团分析仪器公司GE Analytical Instruments     GE水处理 GE water 


 经销商公司  负责区域  
 1  北京新恒能分析仪器有限公司
Beijing XinHengNeng Analytical Instuments Co., ltd
北京、河北、河南、山东、湖北、黑龙江、天津 电话:  010-59799897(总机)       59602519/59602317(直线)
传真: 010-59602596
Email:  winers@yaojian.com.cn
网址: www.yaojian.com.cn
 2  北京联博永通科技有限公司
Beijing Lianboyongtong Technology Co., ltd
吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、山西、新疆 电话:  8610-51697535/36/37/38
传真: 8610-51697539
Email:  hefeng2001@163.com
网址: www.lianbochina.com.cn
 3  无锡旭野科技有限公司(SOF)
SOF Science & Technology Co., ltd
 江苏 电话: 0510-85215797
传真: 0510-85218327
Email: sof-yj@163.com
网址: www.mtsof.cn
 4  浙江省科学器材进出口有限责任公司
Zhejiang Scientific Instruments Co., ltd
 浙江 电话: 0571-87978401
传真: 0571-87976236
Email:  xfzheng@zsimc.com
网址: www.zsimc.com
 5  上海岛通应用科技有限公司
Shanghai Dalton Applied Technology Co., ltd
上海、安徽、江西 电话: 021-60913373
传真: 021-60913001
Email: rao@dalton-corp.com
网址: www.dalton-corp.com
 6  艾威仪器科技有限公司
Evertech Technology Development Co., ltd
广东、广西、福建、云南、贵州、海南 电话: 020-87688215
传真: 020-87688280
Email: zhiwen_xu@evertechcn.com
网址: www.evertechcn.com
 7  采航贸易企业有限公司
AST Science Co., ltd

电话: 021-34241403
传真: 021-64686846
AST 四川:028-85456578

Email: ast@astsciencecorp.com
网址: www.astsciencecorp.com

8 沈阳园竹科技有限公司
Shenyang Yuanzhu Technologies Co., ltd
辽宁、吉林 电话: 024-86275517 
传真: 024-86274115
Email: yuanzhusy@163.com
网址: www.syyuanzhu.com
9 西安盛景生化科技有限责任公司
Xi’an Shengjing Biological Technology Co., ltd
陕西、甘肃 电话: 029-82209268 
传真: 029-88221285
Email: renzhh@shengjingtech.com

GE Analytical Instruments, a division of GE Water & Process Technologies, was conceived with the belief that if you cannot measure it, then you cannot control it. Today GE Analytical Instruments is totally committed to providing measurement solutions that are critical to our customers’ needs. The innovative technologies, insightful methods, and dependable support we provide our customers are based on an intimate understanding of our customers’ processes and the measurements that limit their success. This basis is not new, but goes back to our roots more than three decades ago.

The company began in the late 1960s, as Ionics Instrument Division, when Ionics Inc., a pioneer in providing innovative water management solutions, formed a cooperative agreement with the Union Carbide Corporation. The successful association ultimately led to acquisition and transfer of Union Carbide’s thermocatalytic total organic carbon (TOC) technology for analysis of carbon content in process waters. Shortly thereafter, Ionics Instrument Division licensed total oxygen demand (TOD) technology from the Dow Chemical Company for rapid determination of oxygen demand in process waters. These complementary and ground-breaking answers to difficult and time-consuming process measurement problems comprised an important part of Ionics’ strategy to provide water purification and control solutions to its rapidly growing range of customers. By the mid 1970’s Ionics Instrument Division was firmly established and playing a key role in routinely solving water management problems. Ionics brand analyzers number in the thousands today and are providing solutions on every continent.

Sievers Instruments, Inc. was formed in 1984 by two colleagues from the University of Colorado, Dr. Misha Plam and Professor Robert Sievers. Based on innovative chemiluminescence technology, Sievers Instruments developed a novel detector designed for determination of nitric oxide that has since become the standard for biomedical research into the role of nitric oxide in biological systems. Based on the this core chemiluminescence technology, Sievers subsequently introduced the Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector (SCD), leading to more than 1,000 SCD instruments installed worldwide for use in a broad range of applications.

Sievers Instruments’ most widely used product line, however, evolved from work done under a NASA contract to develop an instrument to monitor drinking water quality in space. The Model 800 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer represented a true breakthrough in TOC analysis and since its introduction in 1993, the Model 800 technology has grown into a product family that has earned market leadership positions in both semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries.

In January 1997, a Sievers TOC instrument developed for NASA was tested successfully on the Atlantis/Mir space shuttle mission and its successor is currently installed on the International Space Station. Ionics acquired Sievers Instruments in 1996, leading to the establishment of Ionics Instrument Business Group. Today, Sievers brand products are known as “the gold standard” in several vital industries.

In 1999, Ionics Instruments further expanded its range of measurement solutions by acquiring Agar Environmental, Ltd. Founded in 1990, Ionics Agar Environmental Ltd. specializes in developing, manufacturing and marketing state-of-the-art environmental protection and process control systems. Leakwise® brand products detect and continuously monitor the presence and changes in very thin layers of contaminating hydrocarbons. With these highly sensitive and robust environmental monitoring technologies, Ionics Instruments’ range of products and solutions have expanded out of the laboratory and factory, into the very locations that present the most difficult measurement problems.

In February, 2005, GE Infrastructure, Water & Process Technologies acquired the Ionics, Inc. holdings, including Ionics Instruments. GE Water & Process Technologies is a leading global supplier of water, wastewater and process systems solutions that delivers customer value by improving performance and product quality and by reducing operating costs and extending equipment life in a broad range of products and services. These products and services are used to optimize total water/process system performance, safeguard customer assets from corrosion, fouling and scaling, and protect the environment through water and energy conservation. (For more information about GE’s Water & Process Technologies business and its product offerings, please visit http://www.gewater.com.)

Today, GE Analytical Instruments manufacturers, markets, and distributes some of the world's most sensitive, selective, and robust scientific instruments for chemical analysis. GE Analytical Instruments' Sievers© and Leakwise© brand instruments incorporate a variety of technical innovations that are protected by more than 30 patents, and play a critical role in more than 8000 installations worldwide.