
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . AppliChem

德国艾普力AppliChem  www.applichem.com  www.applichem.de
欧洲著名生化试剂公司艾普力AppliChem于1992年在德国Gatersleben成立。公司成立伊始,AppliChem的品牌目标为环境分析参考标准相关产品领域。一年后,即1993年,随着两位著名化学家Markus Frasch博士和Johannes Oeler博士的加入并成为公司常务董事。AppliChem在德国的Darmstadt建立自己的实验室,这样,除了提供原来的环境分析标准相关产品,还增加了化学试剂、定制合成有机及无机化合物等服务,这些AppliChem的核心业务一直延续至今。在这段时间内,由AppliChem提供的优质产品大多标记“BioChemcia”(“生化标准”)。



那么作为生化试剂的供货商,AppliChem拥有什么特色服务和产品呢?首先AppliChem的所有产品都通过了全球ISO 9001资格认证,这保证了所有AppliChem的产品都被精心的监控,并能保证为客户提供他们所需的最优品质的产品。其次,由于AppliChem作为多家著名试剂品牌的OEM供货商,因此其价格非常有竞争力;由于在供货渠道上的简化,订货时间也相应缩短,并且能根据客户的需求提供多样产品。由于AppliChem拥有自己的生产工厂和研发实验室,因此能为客户提供多种服务,包括从定制生产到粉末试剂再到订做溶液试剂等等,AppliChem几乎能满足客户所有的需求。

AppliChem GmbH was founded in 1992 in Gatersleben (Saxony-Anhalt). Originally, the object of the company was the production of reference standards for environmental analysis. One year later, the two chemists Dr. Markus Frasch and Dr. Johannes Oeler joined AppliChem and became managing directors. They established laboratories in Darmstadt and offered, in addition to the reference standards, services around chemical products and the custom synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds. These activities have remained the core business till today. Most of these products formed the product line 'BioChemcia'. Customers are the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, as well as other suppliers of the biotechnological research and production 'community'. Besides this OEM business, several thousand researchers at public research institutions like universitites and from biotech companies order their research chemicals directly at AppliChem.

Because of the enormous demand, the additional product line 'Chemica' was established in 1995, including basic chemicals in several grades and tailor-made solutions.

In the same year the first contacts to European distribution partners were made. Today, AppliChem runs an own office in Denmark and subsidiaries in the U.S.A. (2004) and Singapore (2006).
What distinguishes AppliChem as a supplier of chemicals? Our products are carefully controlled to guarantee that our customers continuously receive the quality they require. This is documented by the certification according to ISO 9001 since July 2000. Since AppliChem is the manufacturer of many of the products listed in the catalog, the prices are very attractive, the delivery times are very short and the flexibility is very high. AppliChem offers all kind of services. These range from custom synthesis, to the preparation of powder mixtures and tailor-made solutions, to the filling and packing of chemicals, including the documentation. AppliChem is able to fulfill almost all of the customer's requirements.