新加坡政府投资公司 GIC
新加坡政府投资公司(Government of Singapore Investment Corp.简称GIC),成立于1981年5月22日,是新加坡最大的国际投资机构,负责管理新加坡政府大部分海外资产,由副总理吴庆瑞于1981年创办,成立之初由总理李光耀亲自担任董事会主席,吴庆瑞担任副主席,但李光耀依然担任公司董事长。现任集团总裁为林祥源,世界银行行长沃尔芬森曾被邀请担任GIC顾问。
新加坡政府直接投资有限公司(The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd),主要投资于公开市场,包括股票、债券以及货币市场等;
GIC不动产投资有限公司(GIC Real Estate Pte Ltd),主要投资于不动产,是全球最大的地产公司之一;
GIC特殊投资有限公司(GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd)、主要投资于创业风险投资、企业重组、过渡性融资以及垃圾债券等。
he Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Private Limited (GIC) is asovereign wealth fund established by the Government of Singapore in 1981 to manageSingapore's foreign reserves. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves, with the aim to achieve good long-term returns above global inflation over the investment time horizon of 20 years. With a network of nine offices in key financial capitals around the world, GIC invests internationally inequities, fixed income, money-market instruments, real estate and special investments.
GIC is one of a few global firms with the highest corporate credit ratings by both Standard & Poor's and Moody's, of AAA and Aaa respectively. Its investment portfolio is managed by its three subsidiaries: GIC Asset Management Pte Ltd (public markets), GIC Real Estate Pte Ltd and GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd (private-equity investments). In 2008,The Economist reported that Morgan Stanley had estimated the fund's assets at US$330 billion,[1] making it the world's third largest sovereign wealth fund.[2]
In addition to GIC, the Government of Singapore owns another sovereign wealth fund,Temasek Holdings, which manages about US$142b of assets.