
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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德国 . Synaptic Systems
Synaptic Systems

Synaptic Systems www.sysy.com
德国Synaptic Systems 为神经科学家和细胞生物学科学家提供研究工具,力求为您在神经科学和细胞生物学方面提供最好的抗体。

Synaptic Systems

优宁维 univ-bio

江苏百奥特医疗仪器科技有限公司Jiangsu Biomagsystem Medical Co. Ltd, Changshu

Synaptic Systems strives to provide you with the best antibodies in neuroscience and cell biology. We collaborate with renowned scientists and market their antibodies. Our antibodies are well characterized and known for their quality. We are constantly adding new products and offer attractive licensing conditions.