
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . IKA

德国艾卡IKA www.ika.net   www.ikaasia.com www.ika.cn
IKA®集团建于1910年,原来的名字叫Janke & Kunkel公司。它位于德国西南部,靠近法国与瑞士边境,坐落在著名的黑森林山麓。IKA®集团一直在设计研制高品质的实验室仪器、量热分析仪及工业混合分散设备等方面作出不懈的努力。IKA®产品已遍布世界100多个国家与地区。近百年的制造历史,丰富的专业经验,创新的工作态度,严谨的德国风格,已经使IKA®成为高品质设备的代名词,IKA®集团已成为全球范围内首屈一指的领头企业。
  IKA®集团已在美国、马来西亚、中国、日本、韩国、印度等建立了六个独资公司,即:IKA® Works USA, IKA® Works Malaysia, IKA® Works Guangzhou, IKA® Works Japan, IKA® Works Korea, IKA® Works India。IKA® Works Guangzhou建于2002年,位于广州经济技术开发区。
  “追求高品质”是IKA® 集团的宗旨。“成功源自创新”,亦是公司全体员工一直努力追随的目标。高品质与创新是IKA®立于世界领先技术之巅的保证。

510730 广州
电话: +86 20 8222 6771
传真: +86 20 8222 6776; 82088373
电子邮件: info@ika.cn
免费服务热线: 400-886-0358

Division laboratory equipment and analytical equipment

Precision for ideas

When leading researchers and specialists look spellbound at small vessels, usually everything involves IKA®. And samples and processes that change our future. Because through IKA® substances in all states of aggregation can be transformed into innovative products under laboratory and in production units. Mixed or comminuted, tempered or distilled, in new compounds or reproducible results. From anti-aging cream to cement, as a tissue sample or a pioneering new development, in the µ range or on an industrial scale.

Here IKA® not only ensures the highest possible degree of precision and quality in the results, but also demonstratively proves through its innovative design that a laboratory need not be boring and the power of innovation can also be visible.

Laboratory and analytical equipment of the very latest type is produced at the central location in Staufen by more than 280 IKA® employees. In recent years IKA® has built with commitment on its leading position in the world market in the form of innovative magnetic stirrers, overhead stirrers, shakers, homogenizers, mills, rotary evaporators, calorimeters, laboratory reactors and specially developed software for laboratory and analysis applications.

Processing Equipment

Seamless transfer from the laboratory to the production line

Over the last few decades IKA® has built a reputation as a leading innovator for dispersers, kneaders and laboratory systems. Our high-quality stirrers, mixers and kneaders are widely used in the production of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, processed foods, paints, cosmetics and plastics. Market leaders choose IKA® equipment and systems.

Scale Up

IKA® offers full scaleability from single units to modular series right through to complete systems. IKA® products are renowned worldwide for their high quality. Our products meet the highest specifi- cations for functionality and technology. IKA® products are good to look at, too.
The IKA® Technical Assistance Service works closely with customers to optimise production processes and to develop customized designs.
IKA® is a one-stop supplier offering everything you need from design, prototype development, production through to after-sales service.


Growing worldwide

Extraordinary corporate growth can be visibly demonstrated in the form of graphs and figures. Or on a map of the world, as is the case with IKA®. Whether in the USA or Brazil, in Korea or India, Japan, China (PRC) or Malaysia: IKA® is there as well, locally. With locations that are not just points on the map or postal addresses for prestige, but are real, genuine functioning organizations that have a future. For the future. A future, in which our head office in Staufen is the living central point of our corporate culture.