
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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美国 . Matrical Bioscience
Matrical Bioscience

Matrical Bioscience www.matrical.com
Matrical Bioscience
Matrical Bioscience was incorporated in 2001 as a company focused on the development of products for the life science research market with an emphasis in drug discovery, academia, genomics, and proteomics. Matrical develops, manufactures, and distributes products that accelerate drug discovery & genomics applications. We are dedicated to meeting the challenges of assay miniaturization and sample management.

Matrical has expertise in automated biobanking, genetic plant sampling and injection molded plastic products with special emphasis on microwell plates. Matrical also holds several patents on microwell plate designs and materials. Should you find that we don't supply a particular part that you may need, please contact us and we can generally custom build the part to your exact specifications for less than "off the shelf" products that don't fully meet your needs.

In addition to our microwell plates, we offer state-of-the-art solutions for automated compound management and storage, high throughput sonication, genetic plant sampling and high throughput thermal cycling.

Matrical is also interested in licensing technologies developed by scientists in the pharmaceutical industry. If you have a good idea, especially if you have already reduced it to practice in your lab, contact us and we can commercialize your ideas!