
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . KKR

科尔伯格-克拉维斯 KKR  www.kkr.com
KKR集团(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P.,简称KKR),中译为“科尔伯格-克拉维斯” 老牌正宗的杠杆收购天王 金融史上最成功的产业投资机构之一 全球历史最悠久也是经验最为丰富的私募股权投资机构之一。

1976年,克拉维斯(Henry Kravis)和表兄罗伯茨(George Roberts)以及他们的导师科尔博格(Jerome Kohlberg)共同创建了KKR公司,公司名称正源于这三人姓氏的首字母。KKR公司是以收购、重整企业为主营业务的股权投资公司,尤其擅长管理层收购。KKR的投资者主要包括企业及公共养老金、金融机构、保险公司以及大学基金。在过去的30年当中,KKR累计完成了146项私募投资,交易总额超过了2630亿美元。
KKR Asia Limited
Level 56, Cheung Kong Center
2 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong
+ 852 3602-7300


KKR Investment Consultancy (Beijing) Company Limited
41/F, China World Tower 3
No.1 Jianguomenwai Street,
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100004, China

KKR & CO. L.P. (KKR) is a leading global investment firm with deep roots in private equity, diversified capabilities, and an impressive track record. When you partner with KKR, you benefit from decades of financial and operational experience, broad industry knowledge, and a powerful network of global relationships. Through an integrated approach, we work closely with companies and investment partners around the world to deliver flexible capital solutions. The power of partnership with KKR means we strive for better investments, stronger businesses, and shared success.

With offices around the world, we fulfill our mission one investor at a time, one company at a time—and we do this as one global firm. As investors with an industrialist vision, we think long-term, pursue the highest standards of excellence, and align our interests with those of all our investment partners by putting our own capital behind our ideas.