
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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Delta Instruments

荷兰Delta Instruments  www.deltainstruments.com  www.aitests.com
作为一家先进仪器公司的Delta Instruments,是专门生产分析牛奶和乳制品的分析仪器的、信誉良好的制造厂家。我们销售市场的对象包括牛奶和乳制品产业链中拥有高质量水准和高质量控制的企业。 本公司产品有: 实验室均质机 乳品成分分析仪 FTIR系列乳品成分分析仪 体细胞计数器 组合示波器 FTIR系列组合示波器 Delta Instruments公司采用IR(红外线成像)和FTIR(傅立叶转换红外光谱法)技术专门为客户生产能对牛奶和各种乳制品的化学成分进行准确测定的仪器。此外,利用流式细胞术,公司也能提供测定原奶中体细胞总数的仪器和使牛奶和乳制品均质化的高速搅拌器均质器。 Delta Instruments公司建立有一个包括40多个分销商的全球性网络,这些分销商对当地市场和本公司的产品非常了解,能够为客户提供这些仪器的销售和服务。
Delta Instruments, an Advanced Instruments Inc. company, is a well-established manufacturer of rapid routine analytical instrumentation for the analysis of milk and milk derivatives. Our product portfolio includes milk analysers for dairy processing industries, payment laboratories as well as dairy herd improvement laboratories.

Delta Instruments has a global network of 49 distributors in more than 70 countries. Here we invest significantly in product and service training of our distributors, who support a range of service products to maximize the performance of our instruments.

For more than 25 years the Delta Instruments team has been focusing on customer satisfaction, technological progress and premier quality of our instruments.