
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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英国 . Peak Scientific

英国 毕克 Peak Scientific  http://sc.peakscientific.com/
英国Peak Scientific公司是知名气体产生器公司,生产各种规格之高品质气体产生器。

除了得到我们自己的这些家庭成员的支持,我们也得到全球超过70多个国家的授权分销商及服务合作伙伴的支持。得益于我们的分销网络,毕克科技获得了最高皇家荣誉,2004, 2007年与2011年的女王国际贸易奖。

毕克 Peak Scientific

Peak Scientific China

(Peak Scientific China)

电话:+86 21 5079 1190
传真:+86 21 5079 1191
技术服务热线:+86 400 888 1612

Founded in 1997 Peak Scientific Instruments Ltd might not have invented the concept of laboratory gas generators, but is nevertheless proud of supporting scientific research in every imaginable sector. It is widely known that Scotland is famous for being a hotbed of creativity. Since before the Industrial Revolution Scots have been at the forefront of innovation and discovery across a wide range of spheres: the steam engine, the bicycle, tarmacadam roads, the telephone, television, the transistor, the motion picture, penicillin, electromagnetics, radar, insulin and calculus are only a few of the most significant products of Scottish ingenuity. As we start a new millennium, the technologies may have changed, for example with likes of laboratory gas generators, but the creative spark still burns brightly, seen most prominently perhaps in the creation of Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned mammal.
With this heritage floating deep in the veins of the people working for Peak Scientific Instruments it is no surprise that we do our best to support research and analysis in every sector all over the globe.

Our range of products – including small to large scale nitrogen and hydrogen systems – is primarily used to supply analytical equipment (GC/ LCMS) for the purposes of materials characterization.

They are manufactured at our home office in Scotland: a modern, purpose built facility next to Glasgow International Airport. Gas Generators are all we concentrate upon. Focus, dedication and drive on this single activity provides the quality, design and service you want and has helped us establish a wide distribution network.

Exporting our products to more than 70 countries worldwide, Peak Scientific Instruments has once more acted typically Scottish. Who would have believed that laboratory gas generators could be found in the long list of Scottish Export Products, such as Whisky, Shortbread, Tartans (kilts), bagpipes and Groundskeeper Willy from ‘The Simpsons’?

In 2004 Peak Scientific Instruments was awarded with the Queen’s Award for Enterprises in the category of Export Trades for 3 consecutive years of performance, being only 1 out of 6 Scottish companies having received this honour in this year.

During their 10th Anniversary Year, 2007, Peak Scientific has further achieved a second Queen's Award for International Trade as well as the Royal Bank of Scotland Award for International Trade.

The outstanding Scottish friendliness and hospitality is often reflected in the way we deal with our clients. We have the ability to listen to the needs of our customers and ensure that what is required is supplied no matter if at point of sale or when support is needed. The consultancy and support we offer has made us different on the market and has brought us success with major instrument manufacturers, corporations, in universities & many other organizations worldwide.

We understand that a gas generator might be a major investment, offering an alternative solution in how you operate. Peak Scientific Instruments, with our experience and expertise, will ensure that it is the best investment you make for your gas needs.