
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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匈牙利 . 77 Elektronika Kft
77 Elektronika Kft

77 Elektronika Kft www.e77.hu  
77 Elektronika Kft.成立于1986年,总部位于匈牙利布达佩斯,拥有员工320名。公司致力于医疗电子领域的尿液分析、血糖测量,具体包括自动尿沉渣分析仪、尿沉渣检测新板条、血糖仪等。公司在匈牙利的血糖仪市场占据重要位置。
公司产品通过了ISO 9001, ISO 13485 和ISO 14001认证。

 77 Elektronika Kft

77 Elektronika Kft. is a Hungarian private company developing and manufacturing in vitro diagnostic medical devices, mainly urine analyzers, blood glucose meters and their consumables. These products are supplied all over the world under 77 Elektronika’s own brand name, as well as OEM and ODM products for market-leading multinational companies in the field of medical diagnostics. The company holds ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001 certifications, while all its products are CE-marked under Directive 98/79/EC (IVD).

77 Elektronika was founded in 1986, in Hungary (EU) by Mr. Sándor Zettwitz. Together with other members of his family, he still manages the company’s day-to-day operation. Since its foundation, the company has been developing dynamically to the full satisfaction of its customers; from a small, family-owned enterprise it has rapidly grown into a widely acknowledged and prosperous company.

The milestones of this growth are clearly reflected in the business sites where the company has operated so far. The first scene of operations was a small, rented flat in altogether 37 square meters, where the initial plans were drawn up. The current, fully tailor-made business site of 5,000 sq m was acquired in 1993. From a team of a few people generating only cc. USD 4,000 sales in the first year, the enterprise has expanded to be a large company of 360 employees.

In 2011, the volume of sales revenues reached USD 52 million, and the products were distributed in more than 80 countries. 60% of 77 Elektronika’s annual sales are realized on export, and urine analyzers account for almost 70 percent of this export turnover. At the present, our largest markets are the European Union, Russia, Turkey and China, still a significant turnover is also transacted with South America. Our most prestigious customers include Roche Diagnostics, A. Menarini Diagnostics, Analyticon Biotechnologies, and IDEXX Laboratories.

The key to continuous growth is the company’s philosophy focusing on innovation and development; the main strength of 77 Elektronika is the dynamic and highly qualified staff of the R&D Department. At the present, the total headcount of 77 Elektronika comprises approximately 360 employees, of which more than 60 highly qualified engineers work in the field of R&D. 7-8% of the company’s annual revenues is invested in R&D activities, a number of technical developments by 77 Elektronika have been patented. Flexibility, our endeavour to meet market demands, strong and development-oriented product structure, economical technical solutions and commitment of employees are equally characteristic of the company.

The continuous improvement of our development and manufacturing capacities enables us to supply state-of-the-art products to our partners at competitive prices. Our most recent, USD 3 million investment, which is currently in the phase of completion, serves this very end. We wish to boost the manufacturing of large, automated urine analyzers by – among others – doubling the space for these manufacturing operations, purchasing automated production equipment, increasing our cutting capacities and establishing the domestic manufacturing of cuvettes needed for the operation of sediment analyzers.

The range of urine analyzers developed by 77 Elektronika includes urine chemistry and urine sediment analyzers. Urine chemistry analyzers are dry chemistry strip readers based on reflectance photometry, while the operational principle of urine sediment analyzers is a world novelty relying on the automation of traditional manual microscopy and advanced image processing. In terms of size, urine analyzers can be small, easy-to-use devices, high throughput, semi-automated analyzers and fully automated instruments.

The blood glucose meters manufactured by the company are acknowledged for their high quality and state-of-the-art features. 77 Elektronika have already developed and marketed more than fifty models in the domestic and foreign markets. Owing to the success of the Dcont BGM products, the company has a leading position on the Hungarian blood glucose monitoring market, and there have been developed numerous meters for foreign markets, as well. The technology of the former models was based on reflectance photometry, while the current state-of-the-art blood glucose meters have come to represent the latest biosensor technology.