美国 Micro-Poise www.micropoise.com
Micro-Poise 由 Akron StandardTM、Micro-Poise® 和 Geometry Systems 等产品品牌组成。
Micro-Poise 的销售、设计和制造总部设在美国俄亥俄州阿克伦市,为全球轮胎、车轮和汽车工业严格的检测需求提供完整系列的检测设备。
Micro-Poise 的使命就是设计、建造、销售和维修用以测量和改进轮胎和车轮均匀性及平衡性的机器。
2012年Ametek收购Micro-Poise Measurement Systems
Micro-Poise Industrial Equipment Co. Beijing (Part Stocking Location)
Rising International Industrial Park
#1 Building, No. 29 Jinghai 3rd Road BDA
Beijing 100023, China
Telephone: +86-10-67892171/72/73
Fax: +86-10-67892239
Micro-Poise Measurement Systems Guangzhou
Rm. 930-931 Garden Tower
The Garden Hotel
Guangzhou 510064, China
Telephone: +86-20-8384-0122
Fax: +86-20-8384-0123
For more than 90 years, Micro-Poise Measurement Systems, LLC has offered a complete line of equipment used by tire and tire & wheel assembly manufacturers to meet their testing requirements.
Our equipment allows customers in the Tire, Automotive and Wheel industries to assess and correct the balance, uniformity and geometry of tires, wheels and tire & wheel assembly products.
Our mission is to continue to be the preferred global supplier of uniformity, dynamic balance, and geometry measurement products by continually exceeding customers’ expectations. We accomplish this through leading-edge technology, a reputation for integrity, superior measurement quality and excellent reliability.
Micro-Poise is headquartered in Streetsboro, Ohio, USA with sales and service offices in Europe, Asia, and India. Micro-Poise Measurement Systems, LLC is owned by AMETEK, Inc (AME).