
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

中国 . 中国分析测试协会

中国分析测试协会 CAIA China Association for Instrument Analysis www.caia.org.cn
中国分析测试协会 CAIA China Association for Instrument Analysis  

北京分析测试学术报告会及展览会(Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrument Analysis ,BCEIA)    
Founded in 1986, and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Instrument Analysis (CAIA) is a professional social organization voluntarily composed of the institutions and organizations of instrumental analysis and other related fields through out China. Its aim is to organize nationwide institutions, organizations and workers of instrumental analysis to promote the popularization, improvement and development of the science and technology of instrumental analysis in China, to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the international community of instrumental analysis and instrument manufacturing.
CAIA has now 172 member bodies, of which national center of instrumental analysis accounts for 8%, university center of instrumental analysis for 28%, research institute for 28%, professional testing laboratories for 4%, local center of analysis for 14%, instrument manufacturer for 15% and instrument importer and exporter for 3%, forming a nationwide net of the instrumental analysis sector.

1. Organizing various kinds of exchanges and discussions on experiences among the member bodies, pushing forward the development of the member bodies.

2. Holding the Beijing International Conference and Exhibition on Instrument Analysis (BCEIA) every two year, including conference with scholars and experts from all over the world attending; international analysis instrument, life science instrument exhibition, top lever forum on instrument analysis. BCEIA has been the largest and most influential international academic conference and exhibition ever held in the field in China.

3. Developing various forms of technical consulting activities, undertaking the consulting business on instrumental analysis projects, purchase of instrument, establishment of analysis laboratory, investigation and evaluation of the market for analysis instrument and regularly announcing the recommended products of home made scientific instruments.

4. Establishment of the following two items of prize:
(1) The BCEIA Gold Prize to be awarded to the object instrument chosen from the exhibits participating in every session of BCEIA with the aim to encourage the technical innovation of home made science instrument.
(2) The CAIA Science and Technology Prize, which had been registered at the National Science and Technology Awarding Office with the aim to encourage the outstanding achievements of research result on instrumental analysis by the member bodies.

5. Establishment of the Technical Development Foundation with the aim to support the development of analysis instrument and technology.

6. Developing the international technical exchange and cooperation on instrumental analysis. CAIA has established jointly with foreign instrument company many instrumental analysis centers conducting cooperative research on analysis methods and analysis techniques; CAIA also has established long term contact and cooperative relation with the related organizations in many foreign countries.

7. Information service. In cooperation with the Beijing Net Instrument Co., Ltd., CAIA has established the instrument information net (http://www.instrument.com.cn) and is initiating the establishment of a number of data base to serve the user more effectively. In the meanwhile, CAIA has regularly held online instrument show (http://www.netshow.com.cn) to enable the user to timely be informed of the status of instrument market and to enable the instrument manufacturer to understand the demand of user.

8. Publishing academic publications. CAIA has published "Journal of Instrumental Analysis"and " Modern Scientific Instruments"with open circulation at home and abroad. " Journal of Instrumental Analysis"has been chosen as an entry to the " Chinese National Science Core Periodicals".