美国利曼Teledyne Leeman Labs www.leemanlabs.com 利曼中国 www.leemanchina.com
美国利曼—徕伯斯公司(LEEMAN LABS INC.)位于美国新罕布什尔州的哈得逊市(6 Wenthworth Drive,Hudson,NH03051,U.S.A),成立于1980年,是世界著名的分析仪器生产商,在国际上享有很高的地位。
公司率先采用新一代分光元件——中阶梯光栅,并推出了独具特色的中阶梯光栅ICP光谱仪,依靠多项专利保护的优秀设计和精湛的制造工艺,连续多年在国际排名中荣获第一。LEEMAN公司推出的最新一代Prodigy ICP,是在原有产品的基础上,对仪器进行了重大调整,利用最新研制的大面积固态检测器(L-PAD),进行信号的采集与处理。这种最新开发的固态检测器仪器是目前市场上最为先进、技术含量最高的ICP,这是迄今为止,唯一在技术上有重大突破的ICP,它克服了原有ICP受固态检测器像素太少、面积太小的制约,而且,L-PAD固态检测器后置Pentium IV CPU处理系统,对全谱曝光的信号进行非破坏性实时处理,使固态检测器的信号处理技术提升到了一个新的台阶,并极大地扩大了ICP分析的线性范围。为各种行业的相关样品分析应用带来了极大的方便。美国利曼公司ICP广泛应用于生命科学、环境保护、石油化工、钢铁冶金、食品卫生、商检等各个领域。
利曼公司也是最先开发测汞仪的厂家,根据美国环保总署(USEPA)要求而设计的HYDRA AA型全自动汞分析仪是唯一被USEPA认可的全自动分析系统,并以它优良的性能已广泛应用于微量汞分析的相关领域。

北京代表处 |
地址:北京市朝阳区北四环中路6号华亭嘉园E座8A室 |
电话:010-82849949/59/69/79 |
传真:010-82849929 |
邮编:100029 |
上海代表处 |
地址:上海市中山西路2025号永升大厦2306室 |
电话:021-64814775,4779,4780 |
传真:021-64814782 |
邮编:200235 |
广州代表处 |
电话:020-38032301/02 /03 /07 |
传真:020-38032306 |
邮编:510623 |
成都代表处 |
地址:成都市青羊区万和路100号中铁瑞城锦隆时代1402室 |
电话:028-65560260 |
传真:028-65560250 |
邮编:610031 |
沈阳代表处 |
电话:024-22580583/89 |
传真:024-22525872 |
邮编:110013 |
Teledyne Leeman Labs is a leading innovator of analytical instrumentation for elemental analysis. Laboratories in industries ranging from environmental science, oil and gas, food agriculture, earth sciences, clinical chemistry, and industrial materials rely on our instruments for their exceptional accuracy, reliability, and durability. Our analytical instruments play a vital role in protecting the environment, maintaining the integrity of our food and water supply, and ensuring the safe operation of our factories.
Teledyne Leeman Labs is best known for its first use of the echelle spectrometer for ICP-OES, and for its innovations in stand-alone mercury analysis equipment. In the area of Hg analysis, we pioneered groundbreaking ways to automate both sample preparation and testing, enabling the chemist to get more done in less time.
Business Focus:
Our spectrum of analytical instruments today include:
Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometers (ICP-OES) both photomultiplier based (PMT) and array detector based
Mercury Analyzers (including both CVAA and CVAF)
A Series of Zeeman-Corrected Atomic Absorption Spectrometers
Standards and Reagents required for calibration of these instruments
Teledyne Leeman Labs' products are used in broad applications essential to QA/QC, environmental analysis, R&D, and process control. They are used in a variety of industries including aerospace, agriculture, automotive, beverage, biotechnology, electronics, environmental, foods, forensics, geological, hazardous waste, mining, nuclear, petroleum/gas, soils, precious metals, wastewater and wear metals/oils.