
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . 瓦里安

美国瓦里安 Varian www.varianinc.com.cn www.varianinc.com www.agilent.com.cn www.agilent.com
美国瓦里安是世界上研究开发科学仪器和真空产品的先驱之一,总部设在美国加利福尼亚州的Palo Alto市,其产品广泛应用于生命科学、石油化工、环境保护等各种领域。作为全球化学分析仪器的主要供应商之一,美国瓦里安公司在全球十几个国家和地区设有生产基地,销售和服务网点遍布全世界。工厂和客户支持组织均获ISO9000系统质量标准认证。
2009年安捷伦科技公司(Agilent Technologies)收购Varian Inc 

 美国瓦里安 Varian   安捷伦 Agilent.

We provide leading edge tools and solutions for diverse, high growth applications in life science and industry.

Scientific Instruments
We’re leaders and innovators in creating solutions that solve a wide range of challenges in life science and industry. In particular, we excel in creating high performance products, often combining our diverse technologies and capabilities to create new ways to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our instruments, consumable supplies, and solutions are key tools in bio-molecular and academic research, pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing, and industrial R&D and quality control, and in developing everything from disease-resistant crops to cosmetics to testing drinking water and monitoring quality in the petrochemical industry.

Vacuum Technologies
We specialize in listening carefully to customer requirements and developing vacuum systems tailored to meet each one’s unique needs. We do this by leveraging our broad product range and our 50 years of fundamental expertise in vacuum technologies. Whether a customer is building a mass spectrometer or a medical linear accelerator, a system for producing flat panel displays or coating architectural glass, or experimenting in high-energy, physics experiment, Varian, Inc. works alongside its customers to solve vacuum challenges.