
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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英国 . PP Systems
PP Systems

英国PP Systems  www.ppsystems.com
PP Systems科学有限公司是世界上著名的生产开发植物生理生态科学仪器的专业公司。公司创始于1984年,该公司的创始人之一Keith.J Parkinson博士为国际著名的植物生理学家,他具有30年以上的生产光合测定仪器的经验。在创建PP Systems公司之前,他在英国著名的Rothamsted实验站从事光合作用的研究。在实验站的最后几年,他作为英国ADC科学仪器公司的咨询专家,设计了LCA-2便携式光合系统,该系统为世界上第一台开放式气路的光合系统,由英国ADC公司生产销售。他设计的叶室已注册为“Parkinson叶室”,目前在国际上被多种光合系统广泛采用。另外,Parkinson博士及其同事设计开发了著名的225MKII及MKIII型CO2/H2O分析仪。国际上第一台真正差分式光合系统以及能够自动供气和控制CO2的光合系统,均为PP Systems公司制造。公司合伙人David Stroud是著名的红外分析仪专家,70~80年代,他在ADC公司负责红外分析仪的设计。现在PP公司生产的所有红外分析仪都采用自己发明的先进的调零技术,使仪器在长期测定过程中具备稳定可靠和准确的性能。公司位于英国伦敦北面50英里处的Herts,Hitchin,有大量的研究开发设施、原形产品的生产车间、微处理开发系统及CAD工具。除了TPS-1,CIRAS-1, CIRAS-2便携式光合测定系统外,公司还生产销售用于光合作用研究、气体分析、环境检测、数据采集等十多种科学仪器设备。具有每年生产上千台包括光合仪在内的各种生理生态仪器的能力。PP Systems公司的产品销往世界50多个国家与地区,并在38个国家与地区设有代理。
由于北美地区对植物生理仪器日益增长的要求和不断扩大的市场需求量,PP Systems公司于1993年6月29日与美国马萨诸塞州合作,在美国建立了联合公司。公司位于马萨诸塞州波士顿北面大约30英里处的Haverhill,主要从事研究、开发、生产、经营及销售服务。从1994年起,一部分生产设施由英国移往美国。
PP Systems公司尤其注重售后服务,在各个销售国家设立了维修服务点,并聘请在植物生理生态领域有丰富经验的科学家作为技术支持,对用户进行技术培训和常年仪器的维修业务。
Since 1984, PP Systems has been supplying quality, rugged and reliable instrumentation to customers throughout the world for high level research. We are considered a world leader in the design and manufacture of instrumentation for measurement of photosynthesis, soil respiration, chlorophyll fluorescence, CO2/H2O gas analysis and vegetation reflectance. Our customers come from a wide variety of scientific disciplines including agronomy, horticulture, biology, botany, crop and soil sciences, forestry, ecology, meteorology, oceanography and plant physiology to name a few. Our equipment is in use in over 100 countries worldwide and well documented in many prestigious scientific publications.
History of PP Systems
PP Systems was originally set up in 1984 by Dr. Keith J. Parkinson, whose work on the measurement of photosynthesis at Rothamsted Experimental Station led to the development of one of the first portable photosynthesis systems ever produced. Our UK office is based in Hitchin located approximately 50 miles north of London. In 1993, an associated company was established in the United States to look after sales and support of all North American customers. Our U.S. office is based in Amesbury, Massachusetts (located approx. 35 miles north of Boston) and has continued to grow over the years. Over the past 20+ years, we have developed into a small group of technical experts specializing in the design and manufacture of a wide range of scientific instrumentation including the popular CIRAS Portable Photosynthesis System, range of CO2 and H2O gas analyzers, vegetation and remote sensing instrumentation. Today, our UK and U.S. offices feature comprehensive design and development facilities, including prototyping workshop, microprocessor development systems and CAD tools, service, production and full calibration and testing capability. All instruments are produced to the highest standards that must meet strict quality control/assurance protocols established by management.

Customer Support
Customer support is very important to us and critical to the success of our business. All customers receive direct technical support from our own offices as well as through an extensive network of factory trained distributors. As a small company, we are able to offer our customers the personal, professional attention that they deserve. If you have an instrument in need of repair, please contact our service manager.

In many cases, we are able to customize system hardware or software to meet specific user requirements. Another service we offer is the use of our facilities for the development and production of equipment. If you have an idea for an instrument, we can assist you in its realization. All equipment manufactured by PP Systems is guaranteed for 12 months from the date of invoice against manufacturing faults and defective materials/components, parts and labor included. This guarantee does not cover misuse or damage caused due to unauthorized repair. We reserve the right to charge for customs clearance and return shipping/insurance if appropriate. For repairs beyond the warranty period, please contact us directly for advice.

In addition to our own manufactured products, our U.S. company is also the exclusive distributor for Hansatech Instruments, Gill Instruments (exclusive on 3 axis units) and Skye Instruments.