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德国 . Biochrom AG
Biochrom AG

德国Biochrom AG www.biochrom.de
BIOCHROM AG 专业研制生产哺乳动物细胞培养相关产品、标准培养基、为各种原代培养细胞和细胞系量身定做的完全培养基、动物血清、为用户定制的培养基和动物血清制品。其血清和培养基凭借卓越的品质、齐全的种类和巨大的产量,在欧洲排名第一。 BIOCHROM AG公司通过ISO9001认证,产品完全在GMP标准下生产,更以其精良的品质获得了为国际知名制药企业提供产品的资格认证。几十年来,已成为Bayer(拜耳药业)、Roche(罗氏药业)、诺华及赛诺菲?安万特公司的最大供货商,BIOCHROM AG产品正在为世界各国的生物医学研究机构和疫苗、制药工业提卓越的服务。

Merck Millipore收购德国细胞培养产品公司Biochrom AG

德国Biochrom AG          德国默克 Merck

Biochrom AG was founded in 1981. Meanwhile it has become one of the leading European manufacturers of sera and media for the culture of human and animal cells.

We provide cell culture media and sterile solutions for pharmaceutical production not only within Germany, but also Europe- and worldwide. Among other products, we deliver animal sera, such as Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). We are your partner for feasibility studies concerning new media formulations. Inspect us: we are always at your disposal for audits.