
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

现在位置首页>所有品牌>Ahram Biosystems
韩国 . Ahram Biosystems
Ahram Biosystems

韩国Ahram Biosystems www.ahrambio.com
Palm PCR 掌上PCR系统。这台PCR仪只有成人手掌般大小,却能带来高性能的核酸扩增。它有望打破现有仪器的限制,将PCR技术带到户外,带到现场,带到它所需的任何地方。
韩国Ahram Biosystems
Ahram Biosystems, Inc. is a leading innovator of new life science tools, taking the initiative to bring portable innovation to the biotechnology market. Built on its proprietary technologies, Ahram Biosystems provides the innovative portable PCR system that promises to extend the range of applications of the essential PCR technology beyond the current limitations.

Founded in 2001, Ahram Biosystems has its headquarters in Seoul, Korea and a subsidiary in Santa Clara, CA, USA.