新西兰Izon Science www.izon.com
2010 年, Izon公司发布了目前最全面的纳米粒子分析系统qNano 和qViro,是目前第一套真正运用纳米孔技术的纳米粒子分析平台,实现了真正的单个粒子测量,可变压力模块(VPM)结合可调式纳米孔洞薄膜与电阻脉冲感应器,以调控纳米孔洞的大小来控制粒子的进出,可对单一粒子的粒径、分布和浓度进行分析计数,同时还能测量电泳迁移率、聚集动力学。精准的浓度分析,增强了对电解质溶液的兼容性,带电与不带电荷的离子均能检测。此项创新的分析工具有望开拓众多纳米粒子相关领域的新型研究,Izon 期待此方法将成为粒子浓度测量的全球新标准。
Izon Science design and manufacture precision instrumentation for nano- and micro-scale particle analysis. The instrument systems, the qNano and qViro, are now in use in a wide range of research institutes and universities around the world.
The basis of Izon’s instrumentation is a unique, dynamically tunable nanopore technology platform which utilises a technology called SIOS (Scanning Ion Occlusion Sensing). This technology platform is world-leading in offering an affordable, robust and highly flexible technology for real-time particle detection, quantitation and characterisation of individual particles at the nanoscale, across a wide range of applications.
SIOS represents a new paradigm in nanoparticle analysis, offering a unique alternative to the existing laser-based technologies available on the market. It offers applications not previously available to researchers and at a fraction of the cost of the incumbent technologies.
Our Philosophy
Izon's philosophy is one of continual improvement and high customer focus. Strong and positive relationships with customers and collaborators are seen as important aspects of the way Izon operates. We are constantly learning and developing as a company and, similarly, expect our technology platform and products to undergo constant development for the benefit of all users.
Izon's short term focus is to build on the success that a number of our customers and collaborators have had with the qNano and qViro systems and spread the word about the possible applications the new platform provides to researchers.
Longer term the strategy is to have the unique features of the SIOS platform being used to solve a wide range of problems in human health and nanotechnology measurement.