
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Goldbio
Gold Biotechnology

美国Goldbio www.goldbio.com
美国Gold Biotechnology公司是由Paul Gold博士创立于1986年,其旨在为实验室研究人员提供低成本高品质的产品。由于我们低廉的价格和对客户的恪守承诺,GoldBio得到了世界各地的研究人员的支持。多年来,我们的客户已表示对我们公司继续提供最低价格最优质产品的承诺很有信心。Goldbio提供1500多种分子生物学级产品,同时具有一个活跃的分子生物学研究与发展计划,旨在为您的研究开发新产品。

北京启维益成科技有限公司 Qwbio   

Gold Biotechnology, Inc. was founded in 1986 by Dr. Paul Gold in an effort to provide lab researchers with high quality products at a low cost. As a result of our low prices and unwavering commitment to customer service, Gold Biotechnology has been rewarded with support from researchers worldwide. Over the years, our customers have shown confidence in our company as we pledge to continue to supply them with the highest quality products at the lowest cost. Goldbio.com now supplies over 1,500 molecular biology grade products, while continuing to discover more. It also has an active molecular biology research and development program geared to the development of new products for your research.

Mission Statement:
"At Goldbio.com, we strive to exceed the expectations of our customers, vendors, and strategic partners through attention to detail, quality of products, and excellent service. Our sustainable business model and relationships with others in the supply chain allow us to provide researchers and scientists with uniquely low prices while maintaining the highest quality in the industry. We stand behind our products to the fullest extent with the hope that they will be used in discovery that benefits all."

Our Philosophy:
Provide the highest quality product
Maintain low costs to pass along to the researcher
Be an advocate for the industry
Support our customers as any loyal business partner
Be an ally to businesses in the industry
Put forth products with hope
Look towards the future
We look toward the future with hope as we send out our products with the intent that they will be used in great discovery. We are a small company dedicated to the success of those whom we supply. So, we provide high quality low cost materials to scientists and researchers. We give our customers the best so they can discover, invent, and innovate. Because that is what it is about for us...the discovery.

Commitment to Quality:
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products available. We test our products from our network of trusted global suppliers to assure they meet our quality specifications. We stand behind all of our products knowing that our reputation lies on the success of your experiments.