
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . Hydro-Bios

德国Hydro-Bios   www.hydrobios.de
德国HYDRO-BIOS公司位于德国北部港口城市基尔,是世界上设计并制造水体和浮游生物采样设备最专业的制造商。迄今为止,德国HYDRO-BIOS公司成立于1960年。德国HYDRO-BIOS公司的设备已经被世界各地的研究所采用,主要用在遍布世界各地的科学考察船上。德国HYDRO-BIOS公司的产品主要包括浮游生物网(Plankton Net),浮游生物自动连续采样器(Multi Plankton Sampler MultiNet),生物网口流量计(Digital Flowmeter,Electronic Flowmeter),多通道自动水样采集器(Multi Water Sampler),采水器(Water Sampler),多通道沉积物捕集器(Multi Sediment Trap),测流计(Rod Held Current Meter RHCM),初级生产力培养器(Primary Production Icubator, ICES Icubator),温盐深仪(CTD,Multi Parameter Probe),Folsom浮游生物样品分样器(Folsom's Plankton Sample Divider),浮游动物计数框(Counting Chamber for zooplankton),Kolkwitz浮游生物计数框(Kolkwitz Plankton Chamber),Utermohl浮游生物沉降器(组合式浮游生物计数框,Combined Plate Chamber,Utermohl Chamber),管状浮游生物计数框(Tubular Plankton Chamber)等。

HYDRO-BIOS Apparatebau GmbH was founded in 1960 and is manufacturing
precise-mechanical and electronical apparatus and instruments for use mainly
in oceanography, hydrobiology and limnology.

HYDRO-BIOS products are in use on every continent and are exported in approximately
80 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America.

Our manufacturing and sales programme includes equipment for use in oceanography,
hydrobiology, limnology as well as instrumentation for water pollution investigation in
the fields of public health, environmental protection and ecology.

We design, manufacture and test precision instruments, water and plankton sampling equipment in our own design/electronic lab and workshop. So we are able to solve most of your requirements in short time and highest quality. Each member of our staff is a specialist in his own field and will take care of reliable instruments for reliable results.