
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . SE
S.E. International, Inc

美国S.E. International, Inc  www.seintl.com
SE International, Inc. - US Manufacturer of Radiation Alert® Quality Handheld Radiation Detectors and Geiger Counters
Since 1979 RADIATION ALERT® instruments have proven ideal for a wide range of applications. As the manufacturer of our products, we have engineered them to be reliable, simple to use and understand, and affordably priced. We're dedicated to our customers and promise to help you find the appropriate instrument for your needs. Our continuing development reflects our commitment to meet the ever-increasing and changing needs of first response, industrial, governmental, educational, medical, and environmental markets. All Radiation Alert® products are shipped promptly and supported by comprehensive customer and technical service. All our instruments, both warranty and non-warranty, can be repaired and calibrated by our in-house technicians.