中国生物产业大会 China Bioindustry Convention BioChina
一、 中国生物产业大会背景介绍
进入二十一世纪以来,生物科技的重大突破正在迅速孕育和催生新的产业革命,生物医药新产品大量涌现,转基因农作物种植面积大幅增加,生物制造、生物能源、生物环保等一批高新产业群正蓬勃发展。全球生物产业销售额几乎每5年翻一番,增长速度是世界经济平均增长率的近10倍。预计到2020年,生物医药占全球药品的比重将超过1/3,生物质能源占世界能源消费的比重将达到5%左右,生物基材料将替代10%-20%的化学材料, 精细化学品的生物法制造将替代化学法的30-60%......,世界经合组织0ECD报告预测,到2030年世界生物经济初具规模,将对人类经济社会带来重大影响。生物产业将成为继信息产业之后世界经济中又一个新的主导产业,正引发世界经济格局的重大调整和国家综合国力的重大变化。随之而来的国际竞争也日益激烈,抢占生物技术和生物产业的制高点已成为世界各国增强国际竞争力的重大战略。
我国生物产业正处于这个重要战略机遇期。生物产业一直是我国调整经济结构、实现传统经济增长方式转换的阳光产业。生物产业的发展能有效缓解我们国家经济和社会可持续发展所面临的人口健康、粮食安全、能源安全、环境保护、资源紧张、气候变化等重大压力。我国政府高度重视生物技术及其产业发展,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》将生物技术列为重点发展的高技术;《生物产业发展十一五规划》将生物产业列为重点培育的高技术支柱产业;2009年6月《促进生物产业加快发展的若干政策》已经国务院批准发布; 2010年10月颁布《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》,将生物产业作为战略性新兴产业来大力发展。在此形势下,推动我国生物产业快速健康地发展将成为今后相当长一段时间社会的共同责任。
China Bioindustry Convention (BioChina), initiated in 2007, is the largest annual event for the bioindustry in China. It attracts the biggest names in the biotechnology sector, offers key networking and partnering opportunities, and provides insights and inspiration on the major trends affecting the development of bioindustry. BioChina 2012, which is jointly hosted by Chinese Society of Biotechnology and other eighteen national associations,China Science Daily, and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, is the sixth event of this Series. BioChina 2012 will be held in June, 2012, at Taizhou, China.
In this century, concerns about climate change, non-renewable energy sources, dwindling fresh water supply, increasing population and environmental concerns have promoted public attentions on development of biotechnological process and alternative sources for the production of fuels and chemicals. There is broad consensus that biotechnology will play a significant role in easing the food crisis, combating disease and hereditary problems. The recent financial crisis has provided even more incentive to boost national green growth initiatives and policies, whereas bioindustry might underpin green growth and innovation worldwide.
Chinese government highly emphasizes the development of biotechnology and related industry, which has been regarded as strategic high-tech industry in the Guideline of the 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and National Guideline on Medium- and Long-Term Program for Science and Technology Development. The State Council even set up national biotechnological research and industry-promoting group to strengthen the regulation of biotechnology and industry development. In June 2009, Policies on Accelerating the Development of Bioindustry was released, and in September 2010, in Decision on Accelerating the Development of New Strategic Industries issued by the State Council, bioindustry has again been listed as one of the seven new strategic industries. The series of important deploys and decisions have created the better environment for bioindustry development in China.
To follow these national policies and promote the development of China bioindustry, national bioindustry bases began to hold "China Bioindustry Convention" in turn every year from 2007. The previous five conventions were held in Shijiazhuang, Changsha, Changchun, Jinan and Shenzhen, respectively. The leading figures of the central government and the relevant ministries and commissions would take part in the convention of each year. The total attendees could amount to thousands of people, and exhibition participants reach as high as tens of thousands. It has played an important role in promoting public to understand bioindustry, opening up bio-achievements and bioenterprises, as well as building up platform for communication and transformation. Through these years development, China Bioindustry Convention has grown to be a high-level, large-scale annual event in the field of bioindustry.