西班牙Scharlab www.scharlab.com
自从我们开始为德国的Dr. Theodor Schuchardt公司开始生产化学品和化学试剂以来,Scharlau公司的业务种类就开始不断增加,直至Scharlab, SL.公司的成立。
我们的工厂负责实验室化学品和微生物培养基的生产。我们用我们生产和创造的产品将我们公司的印迹留在市场上。Scharlau产品系列中75%是实验室化学品,12%是微生物干粉培养基,还有13%是微生物成品培养基。这些产品都是西班牙4000多个客户和来自全球100多个国家和地区的其他客户每天常规使用的产品。自从开始出口业务以来,我们的销售额就开始不断的增长。这些数据都表明Scharlau是一个不断被认知的品牌。所有的这些都很容易被理解,因为我们在每一个环节上都承诺我们的专业,敬业,创新和激情。正是依靠这些环节,我们才得以为我们的客户提供最高性价比的替代产品。现在越来越多的人正在开始或者已经选择我们专业的高纯级溶剂,多用途的溶剂,可回收包装桶包装的溶剂,当量溶液和AA 标准品等Scharlau目录册中所有的2000多种产品,因为所有的这些产品都是非常出色的选择。
Scharlab S.L不仅生产,同时还经销她自己生产的Scharlau品牌的和其他公司生产的其他品牌的实验室耗材。
Scharlau的开始要追溯到1949年F.E.R.O.S.A.(西班牙有机试剂生产工厂)在巴塞罗那的成立。1954年,Mr. Pablo Scharlau获得了一家专注于生产实验室化学试剂的德国公司Dr. Theodor Schuchardt的代表权。很快公司达成了协议,FEROSA可以利用德国的商标在西班牙生产化学试剂。1970年,Dr. Theodor Schuchardt被另一家德国企业收购,FEROSA公司决定用一个新的品牌:Scharlau来开拓市场。
出于生产的需要,1971年,我们在距离巴塞罗那市中心25km处的Sentmenat建立了一个新的工厂。1980,在公司的创立者去世后,他的儿子D. Werner Scharlau成为了公司新的总经理。
1982年,FEROSA公司推出了成立以来的第一本目录册,HPLC溶剂,她也成为了西班牙第一家生产HPLC溶剂的公司。这些产品在市场上的快速渗透和原先已经存在的和HPLC相关的其他化学试剂的需求, 大大的鼓励了我们成立一个新的公司:Scharlau化学试剂公司。至此,我们的目标不仅是销售FEROSA生产的产品,同时还有与色谱相关的其他产品。
在1991年的几个月后,一个致力于销售实验室安全产品的公司成立了:Carl Roth Spain。1994年,Scharlau化学试剂公司和ACROS ORGANICS(现在是Thermo-Fisher集团的一部分)达成了独家经销商的协议,Scharlau在西班牙销售ACROS的研发试剂和原材料。
Scharlab SL from its humble beginnings in 1949 as a distributor of reagents for the German company Dr. Theodor Schuchardt, has grown to what it is today, an internationally recognised brand and company, manufacturing its own "Scharlau" brand of more than 2000 laboratory chemicals and distributing them worldwide.
Our factories are responsible for the production of the Scharlau brand of laboratory chemicals and culture media for microbiology. 75% of Scharlau's production is attributable to laboratory chemicals, 12% to dehydrated culture media and the remaining 13% to prepared culture media. These products are used regularly by more than 4,000 companies in Spain and are also to over 100 countries. Sales continue to rise with an ever-increasing percentage of production being destined for export. Scharlau is establishing itself worldwide as a recognisable quality brand.
Scharlau has achieved this success by being fully committed to innovation, professionalism, and maintaining a highly motivated workforce. This ethos is reflected in all of the company's processes from research and development right through to delivery of the end product.
Our investment in technology means we can offer high quality at competitive prices making ours the brand of choice for an ever growing clientele. We specialise particularly in high purity solvents, multi-purpose solvents, solvents in returnable containers, volumetric solutions and AA standards - and these are but a few of the 2,000 plus products in the Scharlab portfolio.
Scharlab S.L. not only manufactures, but also distributes products of other manufacturers of laboratory equipment and supplies in Spain.
Scharlab's product portfolio consists of six categories:
Chemical Reagents
General laboratory supplies
Health and Safety supplies
Laboratory Equipment
The common denominator for all these products is their quality and competitive prices. We are committed to supplying the best brands available so that you are guaranteed optimum results in your daily laboratory work. We also aim to provide outstanding service. Pharmaceutical laboratories, chemical and petrochemical companies, food manufacturers, universities and research centres, numbered amongst our 4,000 plus customers can attest to this. All our customers receive personal and professional attention and wherever possible we tailor our services to particular customer needs such as: storage of goods, open orders and made to order products. Many of our innovations have been driven by customers' requests. In addition, we provide solutions for waste management and disposal of chemicals and we also offer a Technical Repair Service, under the SETER name. Our transport meets all safety regulations and orders of products in stock can be supplied same day.
Scharlab's headquarters, 25 km from Barcelona in Sentmenat, is ideally situated to deliver fast and effectively by road, sea and air. Within Spain we ship same day and deliver within 24 to 48hrs. Scharlab makes it easy to place orders and to simplify this process further we've made available in www.scharlab.com our online catalogue and a toll-free phone number through which orders can be placed and queries answered.
The team at Scharlab S.L. is committed to providing outstanding quality, service and price, and by working together we believe we can help you to achieve your goals also.