美国Logan Instruments www.loganinstruments.com www.loganinstruments.cn
Logan Instruments公司由Dr. Luke Lee创建于1990年,成立后不久便成长为全球顶尖的集设计、研发、生产和销售于一体的专业型公司,致力于生产测量药品片剂的溶出度、扩散性能及物理性能测试的仪器。Logan的企业精神集中于三点——质量、创新及服务。高质量产品是起点,不断的创新则是企业发展的增长点,专业化的技术服务则是终极目标,Logan公司致力为您创造更有效率的实验室环境。
联系人:Miss 刘璟
Logan Instruments Corp.在1990年创立于Somerset, New Jersey, USA主营业务为药品检测仪器及实验室检测仪器的设计、组装、销售及服务. 目前取得了十多项专利技术,数项软件权.其产品已被五大洲顶尖的制药公司使用超过20年,近年来 Logan Instrument 发展了全自动透皮吸收系统,自动化人体支架测试系统和全自动USP7 溶出系统,现在Logan Instruments逐步成为在制药济量、溶出、渗透、传送、 测试仪器方面的世界级的领先者。
“禄根仪器(镇江)有限公司为美国Logan公司在中国创办的合资公司”。2010年成立于中国镇江,其产品符合USP标准,并融合了美国高端技术及中国低生产成本的优势, 禄根镇江仪器产品本着高品质,低成本的理念,从顾客企业的要求出发,为开发中国家提供与欧美同步,高科技,高品质并且价格合理的药检仪器。
品质:通过Logan Instruments团队的努力,从设计,生产到销售,我们致力于每个细节,根据您的要求,提供优良品质的产品.所有Logan的员工将对产品的品质负责.以一个全球市场的竞争者来说,Logan将忠诚地把最高品质的产品带给您.
创新: 我们努力寻求方法去增进您的研究和生产,利用Logan团队的高端技术结合您的实际需要来创造符合您要求的产品.从省时省力的仪器- MDS-600溶媒输送器及AVC-100自动溶出杯清洗机,到大规模自动化仪器- 全自动 USP7溶出系统,Logan产品将使您的实验室获得最大的效率.
服务: 优质的服务是Logan的企业理念和最终目标. 我们致力于您对仪器的回应,作友善、及时、有效的维修服务,我们有一批对Logan产品拥有丰富经验的服务代表,他们将致力于解决你们的困难,请将你们的需求在第一时间传达给我们,我们将会对您的需要作出及时的回应。
Logan Instruments’ products have been used for nearly two decades by top pharmaceutical companies on five continents. Since it’s founding in 1990 by Dr. Luke Lee, it has grown into a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of products for dissolution, diffusion and physical testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms. It’s innovative products range from basic, manual systems to fully automated instrumentation for USP apparatus 1,2,3 an 7 dissolution and Franz Cell diffusion. Logan’s business is built on assuring you quality, innovation and service.
Innovation is where creativity meets practicality and Logan’s talents meet your needs. Our product innovations are created to meet specific customer imperatives. From time-saving devices such as the MDS-600 Media Delivery System and the AVC-100 Automated Vessel Cleaner, to large scale automated systems like the fully automated System 7000 USP apparatus 7, Logan systems are designed to make the most efficient use of your laboratory resources. Whether improving the simplest of everyday procedures to designing and implementing entirely new instrumentation, we are always looking for ways to improve your research and manufacturing efforts.
Quality is a team effort. From design to production and distribution, we understand that you demand quality and reliability. All Logan employees are responsible for achieving product quality and they focus on every detail. As a competitor in the global market, Logan is committed to bringing you quality products at the highest level attainable.
Service is Logan’s ultimate principal. We aim for responsive, efficient and friendly maintenance of your equipment. Our service representatives are involved and experienced in all aspects of the Logan product, including design and production. Talk to us-we’ll listen, and respond to your needs.
A Note from Dr. Luke Lee, President
Since founding Logan in 1990, I have continually sought to bring you, the pharmaceutical scientist, the best laboratory instruments your money can buy. In a few short years, we have grown from a handful of employees to nearly 300 worldwide, all of us sharing the same vision, enthusiasm and pride. For your every need in our areas of specialization, whether a standard catalog item or a custom-designed and built solution, think of Logan first and foremost. It is our pleasure to serve you.