美国Flownamics www.flownamics.com
Flownamics公司是一家位于美国威斯康星州的专业化生物技术公司,主要致力于发酵和细胞培养自动取样设备的研究和生产,其中包括Seg-Flow自动取样器, FISP取样探头
Flownamics® was founded in 1995 to address the growing needs of fermentation and bioreactor operators in the biotechnology industry. Our focus is to design high quality products that are easy to operate. Our products assist researchers in developing methods to optimize their fermentation or bioreactor process and are utilized in a variety of settings, including labs, pilot plants, and production environments. The FISP® probe was the first product released for this industry. It allows the operator to take a sterile cell-free sample from a vessel throughout the fermentation. Over the years, the FISP® probe has become the standard for this application. It has evolved into a variety of different models in order to meet the changing needs of this market. To further service the biotechnology industry, Flownamics® introduced the SEG-FLOW® Bioreactor Sampling System. The SEG-FLOW® utilizes Flownamics'® patent pending "Segmented On-Line Sampling"® process for minimal, rapid, accurate and reliable sampling from a bioreactor. It provides automated sampling for up to 8 reactors and will perform various process controls (e.g., control feed to the reactors). Flownamics® also provide custom products/services to accommodate the special sample handling needs of individual engineers and scientists. Our expertise and experience in the ever-expanding biotechnology industry has led to strategic partnering with other companies for distribution of their products. Flownamics® continues to be a creative company that develops new technologies to assist researchers in being more effective, productive, and confident in their data.