
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . Biometra
analytik jena Biometra

德国 Biometra  www.biometra.com   www.analytik-jena.com.cn   www.analytik-jena.de
德国 Biometra公司于1985年成立,1989年第一个推出三槽PCR仪,并极具创意地用Peltier元件控制升降温过程。事实证明,Biometra的选择是正确的,因而成就了其在PCR仪领域的主导地位。Biometra的T系列PCR仪由Tpersonal、T1、Tgradient、T3000和Trobot五类产品组成,可以满足不同实验室的实际需要。
2009Analytik Jena acquires Biometra GmbH
   德国 Biometra  德国耶拿分析仪器股份公司(Analytik Jena AG, 简称AJ公司)
Biometra: Your competent partner in Molecular Biology
Founded in Göttingen, Germany in 1985, Biometra develops, manufactures and markets innovative products for molecular biology and biochemistry laboratories.

Core technologies include the development and production of Peltier driven Thermocyclers and advanced Electrophoresis Instruments.

Thanks to our close contact to scientists all over the world, we are able to quickly implement new technologies in our instruments.

Biometra products are sold worldwide through a net of more than 50 exclusive distribution partners.

Since 1993 Biometra has been a member of the Whatman group.