
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . Tontarra

德国通特纳 Tontarra www.tontarra.biz
TONTARRA MEDIZINTECHNIK GMBH成立于1963年,总部位于德国Wurmlingen,是硬质灭菌盒系统产品的著名企业。将近五十的研发和生产,通特纳公司不仅建立了自己完善的产品线,并依靠自身的优异的设计,精湛的工艺,可靠的质量,成长为硬质灭菌盒系统领域的全球领导者。

TONTARRA的灭菌盒系统分别经过了ISO 9001/13485和CE认证,并获得了瑞士国际权威第三方检测机构对灭菌的有效性,灭菌后的干燥程度,反复灭菌的耐用性等重要性能的检测认证。

德国通特纳 Tontarra
The company TONTARRA Medizintechnik - at the center of medicine

Surgical instruments 'made by TONTARRA' has stood for outstanding quality and precision for over 40 years. This success and worldwide recognition, which we have earned through our products and services, is based on our innovative power, motivation and dedication to our tradition of exceeding our customers' expectations.


The recognition of our customers and partners worldwide constantly motivates us for the challenge of seeking new problem solutions and taking these on successfully.


The preconditions for market-driven implementation, from the original idea to medical engineering precision instruments, are:

the most modern production facilities
the creativity and commitment of our highly skilled employees
a production site, which has been a synonym for innovation and development of patient-oriented medical technology for more than a century