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美国 . Bruker Michrom
Bruker Michrom

美国Bruker Michrom BioResources  www.michrom.com
美国Michrom BioResources,Inc.(Michrom 生物技术公司),专业的HPLC和LC/MS 厂商,主打生物医药市场,面向生物蛋白等分离应用领域,拥有众多产品。例如Capillary LC、MDLC、微流量液相色谱、多维液相色谱。致力于多维高效液相色谱技术、液质联用技术研究开发,在复杂组分微量及痕量样品分离纯化方面拥有着世界最领先的丰富经验与技术。
Bruker完成对Michrom的收购 更名为Bruker-Michrom

美国布鲁克•道尔顿公司(Bruker Daltonics)

Michrom Bioresources, Inc. strives to provide innovative application specific analytical chemistry solutions to our customers by using the highest quality products, services and technical support. Our Customers are a valued part of the technological development process, providing input in an atmosphere of cooperation, leading to cutting edge solutions for complex analytical applications.

Michrom was incorporated on April 11, 1989 to provide application specific solutions for scientists using HPLC and LC/MS to separate, purify, quantitate and/or characterize trace level biological and pharmaceutical samples. Michroms first application specific HPLC system, the Ultrafast Microprotein Analyzer, was introduced in 1990. Several hundred were installed in biochemical and pharmaceutical labs around the world by 1995. Michrom was on the INC.500 list of the fastest growing privately held companies in the USA in 1995. In 1996 Michrom introduced the more versatile MAGIC 2002(TM) HPLC system for capillary, microbore and analytical HPLC and LC/MS applications.