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德国 . 3B Scientific
3B Scientific

德国3B Scientific www.3bscientific.com
3B Scientific国际集团公司主要进行生产和销售用于自然科学、医学和医疗教育领域的教学用品最佳评。最早的生产基地于1819年在匈牙利的布达佩斯建成,3B Scientific在这个行业中是最有经验的集团公司。1948年,3B公司总部在德国汉堡建立,3B主要指的是三个人:Paul Binhold先生,他的妻子Hedwig Binhold,以及他的女儿Marion Binhold(也就是现在的Marion Kurland)。

3B Scientific® 这个品牌遍及全世界100多个国家。今天,3B集团凭借不断增长的销售量,已经成为全球解剖教学市场上的先锋。公司在稳定地增长,其成功的本质因素在于:

品质一流,公司员工技术熟练,均受过专业化的培训。3B公司于2000年通过了DIN EN ISO 9001认证。
3B Scientific® 产品有着较强的竞争力。


3B的客户主要包括综合性大学、普通院校、卫生教育部、其它卫生教育机构、医院、医生、物理疗法的专业人士、医学教学方面的分销商、学生以及制药行业。1966年,www.3bscientific.com 网站建立,这给客户提供了一个全天24小时购买产品和获得公司最新信息的平台。网站在不断地更新,也采用了一些最新的技术,包括32字节的SSL加密层来保护客户的隐私。

3B Scientific® 的产品系列包括:
注射训练手臂、病人护理 & 医学模拟。

3B Scientific集团公司的全球结构:
- 3B总部设在汉堡(由Paul Binhold Lehrmittelfabrik先生于1948年建立)
- 德累斯顿 (1930年,在德国德累斯顿卫生博物馆建立培训基地;1991年并入3B公司)
- Coburg (成立于1997年)
- Wesseling (成立于2001年)
美国3B Scientific公司,位于美国的亚特兰大 (成立于1995年)
日本3B Scientific公司,位于日本的 Niigata (成立于1997年)
法国3B Scientific公司,位于法国的 Bartenheim (成立于1997年)
苏州3B Scientific公司,位于中国江苏省苏州市 (成立于1999年)
意大利3B Scientific公司,位于波洛尼亚的 Ozzano dell’Emilia (成立于2002年)
西班牙3B Scientific公司,位于巴伦西亚的 L’Eliana (成立于2003年)
英国3B Scientific公司,位于布里斯托尔的 Weston-super-Mare (成立于2003年)
ELWE 公司,位于德国的 Klingenthal (成立于1959年,2004年并入3B公司)


3B分公司是生产或销售型公司,所有产品的研发只在德国进行。每个产品带有3B Scientific® 商标,而持久的、无与伦比的质量控制保证了公司突出的产品质量标准。3B Scientific公司于2000年通过了DIN EN ISO 9001认证,2004年成为了WQC首批成员之一。


公司有两位总裁:Otto H. Gies先生和Manfred Kurland先生。Gies先生主要负责市场、销售和全球发展战略,Kurland先生主要负责行政和生产。他们共同遵循公司的口号“…更进一步”。

从80年代后期开始,Gies先生已经制订了系统化的全球销售战略,并成功地把3B Scientific推进了东南亚市场,尤其是日本。他成功的一个关键在于:他能迅速地适应不同的文化,这样就能在全世界成立3B Scientific的分公司。同时,Gies先生有着控制和金融方面的知识与经验,所以他还负责国外投资的管理和评估。

Kurland先生的主要精力放在具体项目、财务计划、生产合理化以及成本管理方面。公司成本得到有效的控制,从而保证了公司朝着更加有效化的方向发展。他的最大规划是:不断提高3B Scientific® 产品的质量。Kurland先生成功地引进了全套质量管理,现在3B Scientific公司已通过了DIN EN ISO 9001认证。正是由于他为提高3B Scientific® 产品质量作出了不懈的努力,所以这个品牌的产品在许多领域成为了世界第一,为此,我们非常感谢他。现在,德国的生产已经相当合理了,也把部分生产平稳地转入了低成本的国家,3B在整个世界市场上已经占据了相当具有竞争力的地位。



在3B Scientific公司一起工作的员工,是相当公开、友好的,每个人都以员工的姓来称呼对方。这种人与人之间的友谊,包括与3B Scientific分公司员工之间的友谊,能有效地促进公司信息迅速地互通。

清晰的管理方针、目标和评估,以及执行日常事务过程中领导的参与风格,有助于员工始终与公司的目标保持一致。这种现代化的领导风格能保证公司形成一种积极参与、互相合作的工作态度,是整个3B Scientific公司的标准,也有助于较好地提高员工的工作积极性。同时,这种公开而富有创造性的工作氛围会产生争论,当然,员工就会影响主要的管理决定。但公司的每位员工都遵循共同的目标:




除了提高员工的积极性、加强创新活动以及创造利润以外,3B Scientific的主要目标是:在合理的价格、优秀的客户服务及售后服务的基础上提供高质量的3B Scientific® 产品 (3B: 最好质量、最佳评价、最优服务)。另一个主要目标是:从不同国家和不同客户的需求出发,协调整个市场战略。3B Scientific® 的样本有许多种语言,包括亚洲的主要语言,如日本语和中文。这是全世界的目标,最终3B Scientific在全球将占据较高的市场份额,而90%的销售将在德国以外。

现在,3B Scientific回顾过去成功的年月,展望未来的稳定发展。3B Scientific的所有客户、代理商、公司员工以及管理者都坚信,根据公司的口号“...更进一步”,整个集团公司将不断地向前发展。

 The international group of companies 3B Scientific specializes in the manufacturing and marketing of didactic material for scientific, medical and patient education. The group’s oldest site in Budapest/Hungary began its manufacturing history in 1819, making 3B Scientific the most experienced group of companies in the industry. The mother company was founded 1948 in Hamburg by the 3 Bs: Mr. Paul Binhold, his wife Hedwig Binhold and their daughter Marion Binhold, now Marion Kurland.

The brand name 3B Scientific® is represented in over 100 countries worldwide in the medical and educational sector. Achieving constantly growing sales, the 3B Scientific group is the worldwide leader in the anatomy market today.

The essential factors for the steadily increasing success are:

  • The excellent quality of the products, manufactured by skilled and specially trained personnel
  • The extremely competitive value of 3B Scientific® Products
  • The uncompromising flexibility of processing customer requirements

That is what 3B stands for today: Best quality, Best value, Best service.

As a recognition of its worldwide success, 3B Scientific (respectively the former Paul Binhold Company) has been selected as a member of the German ”Hidden Champions”. All members of this small group of particularly successful medium sized companies follow a strict pattern of implementing their global strategies, thus becoming leaders in their respective lines of business.

The 3B Scientific® Product Line includes:

  • Artificial skeletons, torsos and human organ models
  • Teaching aids and systems from the fields of physics and technology
  • Injection training arms, patient care mannequins & medical simulators
  • Biology, zoology and chemistry models
  • Anatomical charts and ana(c)omical gift items
  • Anatomical teaching and learning software
  • SEIRIN® Acupuncture Needles

The Customers

3B customers include universities, schools, ministries of health and education, other health and educational authorities, hospitals, practitioners, educational and medical distributors, students and the pharmaceutical industry. A regularly updated and further developed web site www.3bscientific.com was established in 1996 so the customer can purchase products and get the latest information on the company and its products around the clock.

The 3B Scientific Companies Worldwide

3B Scientific GmbH, Germany

  • 3B Scientific Hamburg (founded 1948 as Paul Binhold Lehrmittelfabrik)
  • 3B Scientific Dresden (established 1930 as teaching aid department of the Deutsche Hygiene Museum, acquired 1991)
  • 3B Scientific Coburg (founded 1997)
  • 3B Scientific Wesseling (founded 2001)

3B Scientific, worldwide:

  • 3B Scientific Europe Kft. former known as “Biocalderoni”, Budapest, Hungary (since 1819 Calderoni, acquired 1993)
  • American 3B Scientific, Atlanta/GA, USA (founded 1995)
  • Nihon 3B Scientific, Niigata, Japan (founded 1997)
  • France 3B Scientific (founded 1997)
  • China 3B Scientific (founded 1999)
  • Italia 3B Scientific (founded 2002)
  • España 3B Scientific (founded 2003)
  • United Kingdom 3B Scientific (founded 2003)
  • ELWE Didactic GmbH, Klingenthal, Germany (since 1959, acquired 2004)
  • TELTRON / London, United Kingdom, acquired June 2005
  • Russia 3B Scientific, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation (founded 2005)
  • Brasil 3B Scientific, Joinville, Brasil (founded 2006)
  • Thai 3B Scientific, Bangkok, Thailand (founded 2007)

Further affiliated companies are planned.

The Quality

The affiliates are either distributing or manufacturing companies. All product development is carried out exclusively in Germany. The outstanding quality standards upheld in every product that carries the brand name 3B Scientific® is guaranteed by permanent and uncompromising quality controls. 3B Scientific has been certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 since 2000.

The Management

The company has two managing directors, Mr. Otto H. Gies and Mr. Manfred Kurland. The main duties of Otto H. Gies are marketing, sales and global growth strategies. Manfred Kurland is mainly responsible for administration and production. Together they live the company slogan “…going one step further”.

Since the late ‘80s Mr. Gies has systematically developed global sales strategies. He has successfully entered the south-east Asian markets for 3B Scientific, especially Japan. One of the keys to his success is his ability to adapt to different cultures very quickly. For this reason he takes care of the founding of affiliated 3B Scientific companies all over the world. Due to his knowledge and experience in controlling and finance Otto H. Gies is also responsible for the administration and success evaluation of the foreign investments.

Mr. Kurland’s strengths lie in detailed project and financial planning, rationalization of production and lean cost management. Cost is being constantly cut leading the company towards higher efficiency levels. His biggest project is the constant improvement in the quality of 3B Scientific® Products. Mr. Kurland has successfully introduced Total Quality Management and as a result of which 3B Scientific is now certified under DIN EN ISO 9001. Due to his striving for quality improvement 3B Scientific® Products in many sectors are now no. 1 in the world. The rationalization of production in Germany and the steady transfer of production into counties with lower production costs have allowed 3B to achieve its very strong competitive position in the world market.

The Team

The personalities of the two managing directors complement each other perfectly, creating a role model for team work in the company group. For the company it is important to have different types of character, personality, nationality and culture in its workforce. Being “different” is considered to enrich and complement the company culture.

People at 3B Scientific work together in an open and friendly way, with the staff referring to each other by everybody’s first name. Many personal friendships, including those with 3B Scientifics’ affiliated companies, contribute to a swift interchange of information.

Clear management guidelines, goals and values on the one hand and a participating style of leadership in implementing daily business on the other hand help staff identify with the company goals to be achieved. This modern style of leadership ensures a participating and cooperating working attitude that is standard in all 3B Scientific companies thus contributing to a high motivation of staff. Since controversies are carried out in a creative and open atmosphere, it is natural that the staff influences all major management decisions. Everybody in the company follows the common goal:

„To be and keep being No. 1 in the world”.

The international workforce, who expresses high identification with the company’s goals and philosophy of flexible and friendly service, consists of around 400 people of which ca. 70 are based in Hamburg.

The Goals

Apart from staff motivation, reinforcement of innovative activities and profit making, 3B Scientific’ s main goals are to provide high-quality 3B Scientific® Products at fair prices, excellent customer service & after sales support (3B: Best Quality, Best Value, Best Service). Another main goal is the coordination of marketing strategies in view of different countries and the requirements of individual customers. Thus, a 3B Scientific® Catalog is available in 15 languages including major Asian languages such as Japanese or Chinese. These are worldwide goals which have lead to the fact that 3B Scientific enjoys high market shares all over the world. About 90 % of the group sales are made outside of Germany.

3B Scientific now can look back on successful years and steady growth. Customers, suppliers, employees and the management of 3B Scientific are convinced that the company group will keep on moving forward in the future according to the company slogan “...going one step further”.

Hamburg, September 2007