美国纽邦Newport Medical Instruments www.newportnmi.com
Newport Medical是一家私营公司,总部位于加州科斯塔梅萨(Costa Mesa)。是一家以医生为主导的公司,专门从事可靠呼吸机的设计和生产,所制造的呼吸机不仅有助于延长患者生命,而且价格实惠,使全球范围的护理机构能够负担得起。Newport Medical产品销往美国和全球超过115个国家。
Covidien宣布1.08亿美元收购呼吸机制造商Newport Medical
Within the multi-million dollar a year ventilator industry which is shaped by companies that are divisions of large corporations who manufacture multiple product lines, there is a different kind of ventilator company, Newport Medical Instruments Inc. (Newport Medical).
Newport Medical is a privately-owned, physician-led company, focused solely on the design and manufacture of dependable, life improving ventilators that are affordable for caregivers worldwide. Newport Medical has a 25-year history of making clinically driven business decisions measured by their ability to meet long-term goals instead of short-term quarterly profits.
The Newport Medical team is a dedicated group of professionals, many of whom have been with the company for over two decades. They are driven by the belief that Newport Ventilators would be their own ventilator of choice, should one of their loved ones require a ventilator. They understand the vital importance of life support equipment.
With a focused commitment to ventilator manufacturing, Newport Medical offers quality products, service and support you can always count on.
Products and Services
In medical facilities all over the world, Newport Medical’s products are held in high regard for their ease-of-use, innovative features, dependable operation and low cost of ownership. Every Newport product is designed with features that can improve clinical outcomes and increase patient comfort while remaining affordable to a wide range of users. This allows us to meet the cost-effective, outcome oriented requirements of health care facilities with the quality of care that patients deserve.
Newport Medical builds versatility into all of our products. We offer ventilators for infant, pediatric and adult patients for use in many applications, from emergency and intensive care to subacute and homecare.
We pride ourselves in providing personalized and responsive customer service, from the initial sales call to order processing and on-time shipments. We offer extensive clinical education and technical service training. Our experienced, knowledgeable clinical and technical staff are also available on our 24 /7 Helpline for urgent needs or to answer any little question that may come up. Our website also provides product details, educational support and easy contact access.
For more information or to make an appointment for a demonstration please contact your local Newport Medical representative or our Customer Service Department.
Product Line
Newport e500 Ventilator
Newport e360 Ventilator
Newport HT50 Ventilator
Newport E100M Ventilator
Newport Breeze E150 Ventilator
Air compressors and other ventilator support accessories