德国ILS Innovative Labor Systeme GmbH www.microsyringes.com
德国ILS公司建立在德国的图林根的一个美丽的森林中,自从 1674年在Stützerbach建成世界第一家玻璃公司, 1830年制造了德国温度计, 1883年制造了电的球茎, 1895年制成真空细颈瓶 1893年制成x光管自从 1992年公司建立以来,已制造了超过 1000个以上的各种微型进样器,这类进样器主要用于抽取样品,纯化,光谱等
德国 ILS 公司为各种不同类型的分析仪器和全自动样品制备和稀释仪生产超过 1000 种不同的液体进样针 . 成为许多仪器厂家的原配件供应商 . 为 Altex, Agilent, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi, Knauer, Perkin Elmer, Rheodyne, Shimadzu, Valco, Varian , Waters 等公司生产 GC 和 HPLC 自动进样器的针筒。
Tradition and Technology
ILS is based in Stützerbach , a tiny village in the beautiful forest of Thuringia, in the heart of Germany.
Since the first glass company was founded in 1674 Stützerbach has been a place of innovation: the German thermometer (1830), the electric bulb (1883), the vacuum flask (1895) as well as the Röntgen X-ray tube (1893) were all first developed in Stützerbach.
ILS was founded in 1992 implementing the skills and expertise of the people in the area and more than 1,000 types and variations of microsyringes are manufactured today. Syringes range from 0.5 µl to 100 ml for precision sampling and dosage in chromatography, spectroscopy, preparation of standard solutions, for manual application, and for use in autosamplers, diluters, dispensers and other liquid handling instruments. Precision diluter valves are also available as a recent addition to the production range.
ILS shrinks its own precision bore tubing from 3.3 borosilicate a highly resistant glass and all metal parts and PTFE-seals are made in-house. State of the art computer controlled equipment such as milling machines, lathes and glass shrinking equipment, together with years of glass working experience, guarantee the optimum quality of the products.