
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Labcyte

美国Labcyte www.labcyte.com
Labcyte公司是一家全球性生物科技工具公司,正在变革液体的处理。本公司的Echo液体处理平台采用声波来精确转运液体。与运行成本高昂、易发生移液差错、有样品污染风险、浪费大量塑料实验室耗材的传统液体处理系统相比,Echo系统对环境污染小,能够以较低成本获得更优结果。排名前十位的全球性制药公司都已采用了Labcyte公司的设备,用户还包括中小型制药公司、生物科技公司、合同研究组织和学术机构。本公司的客户跨越生物学的广泛领域,包括药物发现、基因组学、蛋白质组学、诊断学、影像质谱和活体细胞的转运。Labcyte公司总部在加州Sunnyvale,在全球有销售和支持。 Labcyte公司在美国已获得41项专利、在欧洲获得8项、在日本获得3项、在中国获得1项,另外还有一些美国和国际专利正在申请中。

上海典奥生物科技有限公司 tekon 
Labcyte Inc. uses sound to move liquids. This green technology provides significantly better analytical results while saving money. The ‘touchless’ technology provides dramatically better answers by eliminating pipette tips and the adsorption of compounds during transfer, while saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in decreased consumables. Accuracy is maintained from first drop through last for a wide variety of fluids, including many considered intractable by other techniques. The technology is coupled with our Deerac™ instruments to make Labcyte a leader in liquid handling. Labcyte technologies have broad applications including the fields of drug discovery including compound management, high-throughput and secondary screening; genomic research including PCR-based gene expression, DNA sequencing, RNAi studies and SNP analyses; proteomics including array formation and imaging mass spectrometry; mono-dispersed particle manufacturing, encapsulation, and live-cell transfer. Along with an outstanding presence in the pharmaceutical industry, Labcyte equipment is also found in leading CROs, academic and government institutions worldwide. Labcyte, headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, has 39 U.S., 7 European and two Japanese patents and additional U.S. and international filings.