
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

英国 . Leysop

英国Leysop www.leysop.com
Within this website we hope you will be pleased to find data sheets on the devices that we manufacture at LEYSOP. We now supply a range of electro-optic modulators and drivers, Faraday rotators, optical polarisers, depolarisers and attenuators.
As the only UK manufacturer of electro-optic modulators and deflectors, we are particularly proud of our optical workshop skills, having staff that have been involved in the design and fabrication of optical components for more than twenty years. These skills have been directed mainly to the manufacture of optical components used in laser systems, but we are always pleased to quote for any optical component that you may require, either for research or production.

Not all of the optical components that we have supplied can be listed here, but examples are:-

Production and repolishing of laser rods.
Faraday rods in glass and T.G.G.
Prisms in glass, quartz and calcite
Optical components in lithium niobate
Polished germanium rods
Optical components in ADP, KDP and KD*P etc.
Electro optic crystals for optical modulation
Quartz retardation plates
Polarisers & polarising beam splitters
Beam deflectors
We would be pleased to discuss with you any requirement that you may have now or in the future and give our advice and assistance.