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瑞典 . Tobii
Tobii Technology

瑞典拓比Tobii Technology  www.tobii.com
Tobii 技术在全球眼动追踪和眼动控制市场中处于领先地位。此项技术使电脑能够精确地测定使用者的注视位置。

我们的产品广泛应用于科学研究、商业市场研究和可用性研究,同时,残疾人士也可以把它作为一种重要的沟通方法。 Tobii已推出一系列辅助沟通(AAC)产品,以扩大眼动追踪的应用领域为使命。 Tobii公司为电脑游戏、医疗诊断、轿厢安全和电脑控制领域的工业合作伙伴提供一流的眼动追踪技术。


瑞典Tobii Technology

Tobii Electronics Technology Suzhou Co., Ltd.
No. 678, Fengting avenue, Land industrial Park, Weiting,
Suzhou Post code: 215122

Phone: +86 13625285172
Email : sales.cn@tobii.com


Tobii Technology is the global market leader in eye tracking and eye control. This technology makes it possible for computers to know exactly where users are looking.

Our products are widely used within scientific research and in commercial market research and usability studies, as well as by people with disabilities as a means to communicate. Today Tobii contributes with a wide range of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) products.

Tobii’s mission is to bring eye tracking into broader use and the company offers market leading eye tracking technology to industrial partners within areas such as gaming, diagnostics, car safety and computer control.

Founded in 2001, Tobii has continuously shown very rapid year-to-year revenue growth, and have received numerous awards and recognitions for its accomplishments. The company is based in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in the US, Germany, Norway, Japan and China. Our products are sold directly to customers and through resellers and partners worldwide.