
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . Bruker

德国 ,Bruker,布鲁克, www.bruker.com
德国布鲁克集团1960年在德国成立,是世界上最著名的以分析仪器为主导产品的生产商,产品涉及元素分析、质量分析、分子震动光谱、核磁共振等各领域,Bruker 始终坚持一个理念:为所有的分析任务提供最好的解决方案。
今天,遍布几大洲 70 多个地点的 3500 多名员工同时在为这个信念努力工作。Bruker 系统涵盖了所有科研应用领域,并广泛应用在在工业生产流程中,确保品质和流程可靠。
Bruker 一直在努力发展自己的产品和方案,系统安装数量不断增加,用户服务信誉持续提高。事实上,正如我们的客户所期望的,Bruker 作为全球领先的分析仪器公司之一,一直在针对当今的分析需求开发最尖端技术和全新的解决方案。
Bruker 集团是分子和材料研究,以及工业和应用分析用高性能科学仪器和解决方案的领先提供者。
Bruker 集团公司 (NASDAQ:BRKR),总部设在 Billerica,Massachusetts,是 Bruker AXS,Bruker BioSpin,Bruker Daltonics 和 Bruker Optics 的公开商业父公司。
德国Bruker Corporation
Bruker AXS 工厂Bruker AXS
 德国Bruker AXS
Bruker AXS 是全球领先的分析用 X-ray 系统、光学激发谱仪和氧化分析仪开发及制造厂商,产品用于元素分析,材料研究和晶体结构研究。Bruker AXS 的创新解决方案广泛应用在研究和工业领域:化工、石油化工、制药、钢铁、半导体、水泥、采矿、汽车、法医、环境、艺术品保存、纳米科技和生命科学 - 促进技术进步并加速他们的进程。
Bruker BioSpin 工厂Bruker BioSpin
德国Bruker BioSpin  
Bruker BioSpin 是全球分析用磁共振仪器的市场和技术领导者,产品涵盖 NMR、临床前 MRI 和 EPR。公司提供世界最全面的磁共振研究工具,产品广泛用于生命科学、材料科学、分析化学、流程控制和临床研究。
Bruker BioSpin 同时也是超导高场和超高场 NMR 及 MRI 磁体制造的领导者。其超导线材生产能力为 NMR、MRI 和 FTMS 磁体提供了必需的高性能技术支持,同时其 HTS (译注:高温超导)超导体在可再生能量和能源管理方案中的应用也开始浮现。
Bruker Daltonics 工厂Bruker Daltonics
美国布鲁克•道尔顿公司(Bruker Daltonics)
Bruker Daltonics 是质谱谱仪及其附件制造的领导者,产品用于生命科学、制药、生物化学和化学研究,以及法医学和食品安全中的常规分析。技术方案基于一系列 MALDI-TOF/TOF,ESI/MALDI-Qq-TOF,ESI-ITMS,ESI/MALDI-FTMS 质谱系统,以及自动进样系统和效率提高软件,充分满足客户需要。Bruker Daltonics 还是核生化检测技术的全球领导者,拥有基于包括质谱等技术的 CBRNE 产品生产线。
Bruker Optics 工厂Bruker Optics
德国布鲁克光谱Bruker Optics  
Bruker Optics 提供最先进的傅立叶变换红外和近红外、拉曼、时域低分辨率 NMR 以及 terahertz 波谱仪,用于教学和工业研究、流程和品质控制。
Beijing 北京
Everbright International Trust Mansion
11 Zhong Guan Cun Nan Da Jie
Beijing 100081, China

T: +86-10-6847-2015 (BioSpin)
contact us by e-mail
T: +86-10-6847-4093-5 (Daltonics)
contact us by e-mail
T: +86-10-6847-2060 (Optics)
contact us by e-mail
Tel. +86-10-6848-6946 (AXS)
contact us by e-mail

Shanghai 上海
Overseas Chinese Mansion
Suite 1803
129 Yen An Road (West)
Shanghai 200040, China
Tel: 86-21-6249-9060

Hongkong 香港
Bruker Optik Asia Pacific Ltd.
Unit 509, 5/F,
Tower II, Enterprise Square, No. 9,
Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, China
Tel: 852-2796-6100

Bruker in China
Bruker, a leading provider of high-performance scientific instruments and solutions for molecular and materials research as well as for industrial, clinical and applied analysis, has long been committed to China. Its long-standing presence in and support for the Chinese research community began with initial NMR installations almost 40 years ago. Bruker has achieved clear market and technology leadership in many fields, including magnetic resonance (NMR, preclinical MRI, EPR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), stylus and optical metrology, X-ray diffraction and crystallography, X-ray and spark-OES elemental analysis, life-science, clinical and applied market separations and mass spectrometry, as well as infrared and Raman spectroscopy.

Bruker’s new major applications, training and service center in ShanghaiThe new Shanghai facility complements Bruker’s previous major applications and customer support center in Beijing, which is presently being expanded again by approximately 50% – reflecting Bruker’s continued rapid growth in China to over $100 million in annual revenue. Bruker also intends to open an additional service and sales office in Guangzhou later this year.

Bruker Corporation
Download our Corporate Overview BrochureRight from the beginning, which is now nearly fifty years ago, Bruker has been driven by a single idea: to provide the best technological solution for each analytical task.

Today, worldwide more than 3,500 employees are working on this permanent challenge at over 70 locations on all continents. Bruker systems cover a broad spectrum of applications in all fields of research and development and are used in all industrial production processes for the purpose of ensuring quality and process reliability.

Bruker continues to build upon its extensive range of products and solutions, its broad base of installed systems and a strong reputation amongst its customers. Indeed, as our customers would expect, Bruker as one of the world's leading analytical instrumentation companies, continues to develop state - of - the- art technologies and innovative solutions for today's analytical questions.

The Bruker Group is a leading provider of high-performance scientific instruments and solutions for molecular and materials research, as well as for industrial and applied analysis.
Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR), headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, is the publicly traded parent company of Bruker AXS, Bruker BioSpin, Bruker Daltonics and Bruker Optics.

Bruker AXS facilitiesBruker AXS
Bruker AXS is a leading global developer and manufacturer of analytical X-ray systems, optical emission spectrometers and combustion analyzers for elemental analysis, materials research and crystallographic investigations. Bruker AXS’ innovative solutions enable a wide range of customers in research and industry – including chemistry, petrochemistry, pharmacy, metals and steel, semiconductor, cement, minerals and mining, automotive, forensics, environmental, art and conservation, nanotechnology and life sciences – to make technological advancements and to accelerate their progress.

Bruker BioSpin facilitiesBruker BioSpin
Bruker BioSpin is the global market and technology leader in analytical magnetic resonance instruments including NMR, preclinical MRI and EPR. The company delivers the world's most comprehensive range of magnetic resonance research tools enabling life science, materials science, analytical chemistry, process control and clinical research.
Bruker BioSpin is also the leading manufacturer of superconducting high and ultra high field magnets for NMR and MRI. Its superconducting wire business delivers the necessary high performance technology for NMR, MRI and FTMS magnets, as well as novel HTS conductors for emerging applications in renewable energy and power management solutions.

Bruker Daltonics facilitiesBruker Daltonics
Bruker Daltonics is a leading manufacturer of mass spectrometry (MS) instruments and accessories for life science, pharmaceutical, biochemical and chemical research as well as for more routine analytical tasks in forensics and food safety. Technical solutions are based on a comprehensive range of MALDI-TOF/TOF, ESI/MALDI-Qq-TOF, ESI-ITMS, ESI/MALDI-FTMS mass spectrometry systems, as well as automated sample handling systems and productivity-enhancing software designed to answer our customers’ needs. Bruker Daltonics is also a global leader in nuclear, biological and chemical detection, with a CBRNE product line based on a broad array of technologies, including mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry.

Bruker Optics facilitiesBruker Optics
Bruker Optics Bruker Optics offers the most advanced Fouier transform (FT-) Infrared and Near Infrared, Raman, time domain low resolution NMR and terahertz spectrometers for academic and industrial research, process and quality control.

Bruker Advanced Supercon facilitiesBruker Advanced Supercon
The Advanced Supercon business is a global leader in the development and industrial production of low-temperature superconducting (LTS) wires used primarily in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTMS), High-Energy Physics (HEP) and nuclear fusion research magnet applications. This business also develops and manufactures high-temperature superconductors (HTS) and HTS devices, based on its two complementary, advanced HTS technology platforms for BSSCO and YBCO conductors. HTS conductors and components made by the Advanced Supercon business are used in a wide range of HTS devices such as motors, generators, cabl