
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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德国 . IBL International
IBL International

德国IBL International  www.ibl-international.com




  • 内分泌学
  • 唾液诊断
  • 老年痴呆症/神经系统科学
  • 传染病
  • 自身免疫诊断/免疫学
  • 食物不耐受
  • 细胞因子/粘附因子
  • 肿瘤标记物/高血压
  • 新生儿筛查
  • 试剂/抗体/其他

德国IBL International

传真:+86 755 26814431

Since 1983 (IBL-Hamburg) IBL International is engaged in the development, production and worldwide distribution of in-vitro diagnostic test systems for routine and research use. With more than 25 years of experience IBL is your expert in enzyme, radio and luminescence immunoassays.

IBL provides a very extensive range of "niche" products for special diagnostics. Most products are designed for manual use, but also readily adaptable for use in open automated systems.

The IBL product range is one of the most exciting tools for research and contains more than 1000 products covering diagnostic fields like:

* Endocrinology
* Catecholamines / Neuroscience
* Tumormarkers / Hypertension
* Cytokines / Adhesion Molecules
* Autoimmunity / Immunology
* Infectious Diseases

IBL offers a broad range of "niche" products for specific applications. Most of the products are designed for manual use, but can also be adapted for use on open automate systems.
Quality at IBL

IBL is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 13485 as wells as CMDCAS and fulfills the GMP regulations. IBL has also been sucessfully inspected twice by the US FDA.
Products of IBL

The diagnostic tests for neurotransmitters, catecholamines and other biogenic amines have been introduced into the clinical labs by IBL and are still one of the most promising business areas.

The comprehensive infectious disease line of IBL allows determination of almost all infectious parameters by enzyme immunoassay, including Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Chlamydia and Cytomegalovirus. The products of this line allow easy adaptation, as they have the same protocol and exchangeable ready to use reagents. The Neopterin ELISA has become very useful for screening blood donations to determine early stages of various viral infections.

The test for the determination of autoantibodies directed to acetylcholine receptors is used for the diagnosis and follow-up of Myasthenia gravis.

Recently IBL entered a completely new diagnostic area developing quantitative steroid tests for saliva. As most conventional tests use blood which requires the samples to be taken by a medical professional, the new saliva based tests offer the advantage of easy and non-invasive sampling and allow repeated sampling over the day.