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美国 . Sequenom

美国 西格诺 Sequenom  www.sequenom.com
    Sequenom公司自主研制开发的质谱阵列技术平台能对基因组进行全方位的定性和定量研究。该平台应用先进的质谱技术,为基因组学的研究提供了无与伦比的灵敏度和特异性。质谱阵列技术平台已被广泛应用于全球顶尖的基因研究机构例如美国国立卫生研究院,哥伦比亚大学医学中心,英国Sanger中心,日本东京大学,香港大学, 香港中文大学,台湾中央研究院,北京华大基因及上海血液病研究所等。西格诺公司基因型分析技术已被认为是该领域的黄金标准。其革命性的高通量低成本DNA甲基化定量分析技术为表观遗传学的科研开创了一个经济实用的新平台,受到了国际国内学术界的广泛重视。

基因有限公司 Gene Company Limited

Technology Building, Suite 702B
No. 28, Tian-Zhu Rd, Tian-Zhu Airport Industrial Zone A
Shunyi District, Beijing, China. Zip: 101312
Phone: (+86) 10 8048 0737
Fax: (+86) 10-8048 0740
Email: sequenom.china@sequenom.com

SEQUENOM is committed to providing the best genetic analysis products that translate genomic science into superior solutions for biomedical research, agricultural applications, molecular medicine and non-invasive prenatal diagnostics research, and potentially, clinical utility.

The Company's proprietary MassARRAY® system is a high-performance DNA analysis platform that efficiently and precisely measures the amount of genetic target material and variations therein. The system is able to deliver reliable and specific data from complex biological samples and from genetic target material that is only available in trace amounts.  The Company has exclusively licensed intellectual property rights for the development and commercialization of non-invasive prenatal genetic tests for use with the MassARRAY® system and other platforms.