
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

荷兰 . 爱万提斯

荷兰爱万提斯 Avantes www.avantes.cn    www.avantes.com





为了更好地服务美国和加拿大市场,在2001年5月在美国科罗拉多州的Boulder市成立了Avantes Inc.公司,而为了进一步拓展亚洲市场并更好地为中国用户服务,2006年成立了Avantes China(北京爱万提斯科技有限公司)。



北京爱万提斯科技有限公司 Avantes China
电话:010-84574045, 010-84574046, 010-84574057
电子邮件: info@avantes.com.cn


销售部电话:021-63806510 邮箱: wei.fang@avantes.com.cn 
技术支持部电话:021-52041355 邮箱: saxon.zhao@avantes.com.cn  


销售部电话:0755-33339082 邮箱: kelvin.jiang@avantes.com.cn 
技术支持部电话:0755-83447360 邮箱: Tony.feng@avantes.com.cn 

地址:成都市青羊区白丝街2号缤纷假日酒店1020室,邮编: 610016
电子邮件: jason.gao@avantes.com.cn 
全球总部 World Headquarters
World Headquarters:
Avantes BV
Soerense Zand Noord 26
NL-6961 RB Eerbeek
The Netherlands, Europe
Tel +31-(0)-313-670170
Fax +31-(0)-313-670179

Avantes is a leading company in the field of low cost spectroscopy and fiber optic applications. We offer miniature spectrometer systems for on-line measurements and analysis, which consist of a spectrometer, light source, fiber optic cables or other fiber optic based sampling apparatuses.

Our systems enable users to measure chemical compositions, gather non-invasive medical data, measure color/physical properties and quantify irradiance in the ultra-violet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum. The flexibility afforded by fiber optic sampling enables a unlimited number of applications for spectroscopy in many disciplines and industries. The measurements enabled by our instruments and system are used to facilitate research, quality assurance and inline process control. Avantes has gained its experience by:

Selling over 6000 systems throughout the world over the past 13 years, with help of an extended distributor network of 49 distributors in more than 37 countries.

Developing and manufacturing spectrometers, light sources for UV, VIS and NIR regions, as well as fiber optic cables, measuring probes, and a variety of accessories, often to customer specifications.

Continuously developing customer specific software applications.

At Avantes world headquarters in the Netherlands, 30 employees in Eerbeek, offer you their best support and commitment to quality products and service.

Our technical sales department consists of 4 people, including 2 MSc. The Production department for spectrometers, fiber optic probes and accessories consists of 8 people, The R&D department for custom specific hardware and software consists of 6 employees. In our QC department 2 people work to continuously improve the quality of our products as well as service level of our organization.

In May of 2001 Avantes Inc. established our North American offices which are now located in Broomfield, Colorado. In 2006 Avantes China was established to better serve Asia.

Avantes' future

Because of its intrinsic safety and insensitivity to all sorts of electrical perturbations, the field of Optical Measurements is growing fast. Avantes is at the core of this development. As a company we are committed to listening to our global customer base and innovating new technologies for their applications. Avantes continuously strives to pioneer new ways to apply fiber optic spectrometry to meet the needs of industry and research.

Through our network of direct offices and extensive distributor network, Avantes is committed to serving the global market with our innovative Solutions in Spectrocopy.