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美国 . Cardiac Science
Cardiac Science

美国心脏科学公司Cardiac Science  www.cardiacscience.com
美国心脏科学公司(Cardiac Science CORP.)心电产品的研发、生产、诊断、市场占有率和产品服务在全球范围内遥遥领先。公司为客户提供完整的心电产品和服务,帮助保护心脏,挽救生命。产品从早期的心电图机、心电负荷测试系统、动态监护,发展到心脏康复系统、心电信息管理系统,并且拥有了具备救生功能的专利产品-AEDs(自动体外除颤仪)可同时适用于医疗和非医疗两大市场。

无论是在世界著名的医疗中心,普通的临床医院,还是在为数众多的门诊部,医生们都信赖美国心脏科学公司(Cardiac Science CORP.)的产品。人们选择心科产品正是基于公司在品质,服务,和诚信方面一如既往的出色表现。


美国心脏科学公司(Cardiac Science CORP.)在世界范围内拥有超过550位员工。总部位于西雅图与华盛顿交界处,分公司遍及加利福尼亚、威斯康星、中国、丹麦和英国。直接或间接的销售人员已涵盖逾160个国家,并形成了卓有成效的销售网络,使美国心脏科学公司(Cardiac Science CORP.)在全球范围拥有巨大的发展潜能。

心科医疗设备(上海)有限公司(Cardiac Science Medical Device (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.)是美国心脏科学公司Cardiac Science CORP. 在中国的分公司。信誉至上,服务至上是我们永远的目标。我们愿竭诚为心科产品用户提供最优质的产品和服务。
2005年9月,美国两大心电产品公司-昆顿公司Quinton Cardiology Systems Inc.与心脏科学公司Cardiac Science Inc.达成共识,正式合并。合并后的公司名称为美国心脏科学公司Cardiac Science CORP.,拥有Burdick®, Powerheart®和Quinton®三大品牌。

美国心脏科学公司Cardiac Science

6/F South Building
829, Yi Shan Road
Shanghai 200233, China
Phone: +86.21.6495.9121
Fax: +86.21.6495.9114
Email: china@cardiacscience.com

Cardiac Science is headquartered in Bothell, WA, with operations in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. We serve customers in more than 100 countries, providing healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and the general public with some of the most dependable products and services in the industry.
About Cardiac Science
Cardiac Science focuses exclusively on noninvasive ways to manage heart disease, the world's leading cause of death. It’s been our life’s work for almost a century.

We believe our singular focus on noninvasive cardiology elevates our product and service offerings, and differentiates us in the medical devices field.

We invented the modern stress test, the single-channel interpretive electrocardiograph (ECG/EKG), and the first fully automatic bedside defibrillator. Today, we design our equipment to connect to hospital information systems (HIS), to electronic medical record systems (EMR), and to other information systems that streamline workflow so caregivers can focus on patients, not administration and paper.

We aim to be the company people think of first for heart disease diagnosis, resuscitation, cardiac rehabilitation, and cardiac informatics.

Every day, with every life saved, we're moving closer to that goal.

We invite you — healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and everyone concerned about safety in the schools, workplaces, and communities — to join us. Tell us about your experiences with Cardiac Science products and services. And find out more about Cardiac Science.

Cardiac Science – "At the Heart of Saving Lives"
Main Company Cardiac Science is a global leader in the development, manufacture, and marketing of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiology products and services. We provide a full spectrum of cardiology products and services that help protect hearts and save lives, including:

* Devices designed to identify the early stages of heart disease — such as electrocardiographs, cardiac stress testing systems, and Holter monitors;
* Sophisticated systems for cardiac rehabilitation and cardiology data management;
* Innovative and patented automated external defibrillators (AEDs) that provide assistance to victims of sudden cardiac arrest for both medical and public markets.

Cardiac Science products are marketed under the Cardiac Science, Burdick, Powerheart, Quinton, and HeartCentrix brand names.
A Healthy, Publicly Traded Company
Now almost a century old, we weathered two World Wars, The Great Depression, oil embargoes, busts and booms. We're here for the long haul.

We have millions of dollars in cash on our balance sheet and no debt. We have big ideas, big strategies, and the financial discipline to achieve just about anything we set our mind to. And as a publicly traded company on the NASDAQ national market trading under the symbol "CSCX", we invite you to see for yourself.

Once you do, you'll see how we back up our claims of dependability. We're fiscally responsible, armed with the right people, products, services, and ethics and ready to do business with you.

Worldwide Operations
Cardiac Science employs more than 500 people worldwide. Our global capabilities include direct and indirect sales personnel and distribution in more than 100 countries and an extensive worldwide service network.

Headquartered in Bothell, Washington, just north of Seattle, the company also has operations in California, Wisconsin, China, Central Europe, Denmark, France, and the United Kingdom.