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美国 . Varian Medical

美国瓦里安医疗系统Varian Medical Systems www.varian.com
总部位于美国加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的瓦里安医疗系统公司,是提供癌症及其他疾病放射治疗,放射外科学,质子治疗,和近距离放射治疗设备及相关软件的全球领先生产企业。 公司提供用于综合癌症治疗机构、放射治疗中心和医学肿瘤学治疗机构的信息管理软件。 瓦里安医疗系统也是应用在医学,科学和工业领域的X射线球管和数字探测器以及货物检测和工业检测 X 射线成像设备的主要供应商。 在截止到2007年9月的最新财年,公司报告销售额17.8亿美元,有几乎一半来自北美洲以外地区。 瓦里安医疗系统占据北美洲和欧洲放射治疗设备市场的领导地位。

产品:超过5,200台瓦里安医疗系统的 Clinac®和Trilogy医用直线加速器在全球安装,用于癌症放射治疗和放射外科治疗,每天为数以万计的病人提供服务。 通过和 BrainLAB 合作,瓦里安医疗系统生产出图像引导放射外科治疗设备 Novalis® Tx。 公司也生产用于癌症治疗的先进的近距离放射治疗系统。

瓦里安医疗系统向大多数主要的放射诊断设备制造商提供X射线球管,其应用范围包括先进的乳房 X 线照相术和 CT 扫描。 公司也生产PaxScan系列实时数字X射线图像探测器,可以在不同类型的诊断影像系统上应用。

公司的安全和检测设备业务部门是应用于无损检测和货物检测的高能 X 射线设备的市场领先者。

地址:全球总部: 美国加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托。
欧洲总部: 瑞士Zug。
其它生产地址: 瑞士巴登;中国北京;英国Crawley;芬兰赫尔辛基;美国维吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔;德国Haan;美国马萨诸塞州Holliston;美国内华达州拉斯维加斯;美国加利福尼亚州Milpitas;日本东京;法国图卢兹和 Buc;加拿大温尼伯。
在56 个国家设有销售和服务机构。

员工:约 4,600 人分布在位于北美洲,中国,和欧洲的生产机构,在全球设有 60 个销售和支持机构。
美国瓦里安医疗系统Varian Medical Systems

联系传真:010- 87858962


Asia Headquarters
Varian Medical Systems
Pacific, Inc.
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 85.22.724.2836

Varian Medical Systems
Pacific, Inc.
Tel: 65.6887.0028

X-Ray Products

China - Beijing
Varian Medical Systems Trading (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
No. 8 Yun Cheng Street
Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA) Beijing 100176 China
Tel: 86.10.8785.8856
Fax: 86.10.8785.8970
E-Mail: xraychina@varian.com

China - Shanghai
Varian Medical Systems Shanghai
Central Plaza, Suite 2208
227 North Huang Pi Road
Shanghai 200003, China
Tel: 86.21.6375.8953
Fax: 86.21.6375.8010
E-Mail: xraychina@varian.com

Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers and medical oncology practices. Varian is a premier supplier of tubes and digital detectors for X-ray imaging in medical, scientific, and industrial applications and also supplies X-ray imaging products for cargo screening and industrial inspection.

More than 5,200 Varian Medical Systems’ Clinac® and Trilogy™ medical linear accelerators for cancer radiotherapy and radiosurgery are in service around the world, treating tens of thousands of patients per day. In partnership with BrainLAB, Varian makes the Novalis® Tx machine for image-guided radiosurgery. The company also produces advanced brachytherapy systems for treating cancer.

Varian X-ray tubes are sold to most major diagnostic equipment manufacturers and cover a range of applications including advanced mammography and CT scanning. The company also produces the PaxScan line of real-time, digital X-ray image detectors, which are incorporated in many types of diagnostic imaging systems.

The company's Security and Inspection group is the market leader in high-energy X-ray devices for non-destructive testing and cargo screening.

Worldwide headquarters: Palo Alto, California, USA.
Additional manufacturing sites: Baden, Switzerland; Beijing, China; Charleston, South Carolina; Charlottesville, Virginia; Crawley, England; Helsinki, Finland; Haan, Germany; Holliston, Massachusetts; Las Vegas, Nevada; Milpitas, California; Salt Lake City, Utah; Tokyo, Japan; Toulouse and Buc, France; Winnipeg, Canada.
Sales & Service offices in 56 countries.

Approximately 4,800 people located at manufacturing sites in North America, China, and Europe and in 60 sales and support offices around the world.