
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

中国 . 百灵威

百灵威  J&K Scientific  www.jk-scientific.com www.jkchemical.com

百灵威现代化研发制造基地活跃着一支富有创造天赋的专业团队,新技术、新产品层出不穷,自主品牌J&KCHEMICA®、Amethyst®产品已达15,000 种,并以几何级速度增长。百灵威致力于促进全球产业链的合作,不断推进集约式发展,集成资源500,000 种,包括高纯有机试剂、无机试剂、生化试剂、分析试剂、标样对照品、金属有机催化剂、医药中间体、超精细材料, 以及实验室仪器、耗材等。百灵威的柔性生产线能够以极高的速度提供小批量、多品种的原料,满足实验、中试以至规模生产的需要。


联系我们全国客服热线:400-666-7788 QQ:4006667788

J&K Scientific Ltd.
地址:北京市朝阳区北四环中路6号深蓝华亭D座18 AEF
电话:400-666-7788 / +86 10 8284 8833
传真:+86 10 8284 9933
电子邮件:jkinfo@jkchemical.com  jkinfo@jk-scientific.com

J&K Chemical Ltd.(上海)
电话:+86 21 6163 8833
传真:+86 21 6163 8800
电子邮件:jksh@jkchemical.com jksh@jk-scientific.com

J&K Scientific Ltd.(广东)
电话:+86 20 3888 9733
传真:+86 20 3888 8569
电子邮件:jkgz@jkchemical.com  jkgz@jk-scientific.com

J&K Scientific Ltd.(香港)
地址:12th Floor, Retune House, 11 Duddell Street, Hong Kong
电话:+852 2810 5022 Ext.875
传真:+852 2810 5033 Ext.405

J&K Scientific GmbH(德国)
地址:Freiburgerstrasse 11, D-75179 Pforzheim Germany
电话:+49 7231 154 0770
传真:+49 7231 154 0779

Frontier Scientific Inc.
地址:P.O. Box 31 Logan, Utah 84323-0031 USA
电话:(435) 753-1901
传真:(435) 753-6731

 J&K was established in 1992 with bases in Sweden and China and is now a leading manufacturer and market developer of ultrafine materials. The Group has operations with fast worldwide extending, and employs a team of highly skilled and experienced scientists and engineers. The strength of the company is built on a unique combination of Sophisticated technological research, Agile manufacturing and Systematic distribution.

J&K offers its customers the products and support needed to maximize the speed and productivity of their R&D activities.

The R&D and Manufacture Capability
J&K has two research institutes where bench work produces serial molecules in quantities from 10 mg to hundred kg. Production processes can be transferred to manufacturing facilities equipped with multi-purpose reactors for large scale production. The reactors range in size from 500ml to 3,000 litres and are made from stainless steel or glass-lined.

All production follows SOP and includes strict quality control procedures. Advanced analytical instruments are employed and complex tests are completed for 400 MHz NMR, LC-MS, GC-MS, FT-IR, HPLC.

The Distributions and Customer Identity
J&K is a company focused on serving its customers. The J&K head office in Beijing is supported by four main offices and six branch offices. This network provides an efficient and conve nient service to 120,000 specialists who work in the fields of organic, material, medicinal, analytical and biochemical, agrochemical and petrochemical technologies.