
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

其他国家 . LIM
Laboratory Imaging

捷克LIM Laboratory Imaging spol. s r. o. www.lim.cz
捷克Laboratory Imaging是一种在显微镜和图像处理和分析的广泛的专业公司。我们提供的通用图像处理和分析系统,以及科学,生物医学,法医和工业成像可靠的定制化解决方案。
LUCIA Cytogenetics是由Laboratory Imaging公司为细胞遗传学分析系统开发的图像分析系统。系统的功能全面,分析准确,操作简便,适用范围广泛,可完成从染色体核型分析、FISH、MFISH、CGH等的染色体分子遗传学分析工作。
捷克LIM Laboratory Imaging spol. s r. o.
Laboratory Imaging (LIM) is a company with broad expertise in microscopy and image processing and analysis. We offer general purpose image processing and analysis systems as well as reliable customized solutions for scientific, biomedical, forensic and industrial imaging.

Laboratory Imaging was founded in 1990. Since then, it has slowly grown up, and today, it has more than 30 employees. In the year 2003, LIM has moved to its own company building. It is an old factory that has been completely reconstructed to meet the demands of a modern software company.