天津津腾Tianjin Jinteng www.tjtengda.cn
公司始终视产品质量为生命,视改善企业环境行为、节能降耗、防止污染、持续改进为目标。不合格产品不出厂、不销售。为保证产品质量,一方面选用技术过硬、责任心强的高素质人员为车间操作人员;另一方面狠抓企业内部管理和在岗人员的各方面培训。我们坚信:只有高素质的员工、规范的管理,才能生产出高品质的产品,企业 才会有长足的发展,才可追求卓越的绩效。在公司各部门人员的配合与积极努力下,公司先后通过了ISO19001:2000质量管理体系认证和ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证以及CE认证。从而为提高产品质量、提升环境意识、规范质量管理 和环境行为提供了坚实的基础。
电话:86-022-83713258 86-022-83712766
Tianjin Jinteng Experiment Equipment Co.,Ltd is a new and high technology enterprise engaging in both industry and commerce. It was established in 1993. It has passed the authentication of ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System, ISO14001:2004 Environment Management System, and CE. We engages in researching, developing, manufacturing and selling
chromatogram fittings, minitype instrument used in laboratory.
"Jinteng" series of diaphragm vacuum pumps produced by our company include the following five models: GM-0.20, GM-0.33II, GM-0.33III, GM-0.50, GM-0.50II, GM-1.00. This series of products have the features of more advanced design, wider working range, longer operating life and they are mainly used in medicinal products analysis, tenuously chemical engineering, biochemical pharmacy, mechanical test, teaching and scientific research, investigating and solving criminal case, etc. They are also the ideal products to be used with both domestic and overseas sophisticated analytical apparatus together, such as high-accuracy chromatogram apparatus and revolve to evaporate instrument. In addition, our products still have solvent filter, manifolds vacuum filtration apparatus, syringe filter and microporous membrane filter, etc. The technique and quality of the products is in first-class within the same field.