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美国 . Hospira

美国Hospira  www.hospira.com
Hospira,Inc. 是一家专注于 Advancing Wellness(TM) 的全球性专业药品及药物供应公司。作为专业注射用仿制药领域的全球领导者,Hospira 提供了最广泛的急性病治疗和肿瘤注射仿制药组合之一以及用于输液治疗和医药管理的整合解决方案。通过其产品,Hospira 帮助改善了患者护理的安全性、降低了成本并提高了效率。该公司总部位于美国伊利诺伊州莱克福里斯特,共有约14000名员工。

美国卡地纳健康集团(Cardinal Health) 






HOSPIRA中国代表董事Khai Meng Ang先生




+86 (21) 6196 2088






For more information on how to order Hospira medical device products, please contact Hospira's exclusive distributor partner at:

Cardinal Health China
Ocean Towers 15th Floor
550 Yanan East Road
Shanghai, China 200001

Phone: +86 (21) 5306.0001
Fax: +86 (21) 5306.0008

For more information on how to order Hospira pharmaceutical products, please contact Hospira's exclusive distributor partner at:

Cardinal Health China
Ocean Towers 15th Floor
550 Yanan East Road
Shanghai, China 200001

Phone: +86 (21) 5306.0001
Fax: +86 (21) 5306.0008

Hospira brings proven leadership to the hospital products marketplace. With its more than 70-year history of excellence, Hospira is built on a solid and distinct platform.

Hospira's Vision: Advancing Wellness™... through the right people and the right products

Hospira's vision guides everything the company does. "Advancing" focuses on Hospira's progressive, positive and purposeful approach as it looks to the future. "Wellness" demonstrates a broad commitment to healthcare, supported by a wide variety of products that help improve the well being of patients around the world. Wellness also refers to the overall well being of Hospira's customers, employees, shareholders and communities.

The "right people" — Hospira's employees — are a talented group of dedicated, customer-focused, entrepreneurial individuals who are committed to working under the highest standards of integrity and ethics. Hospira's broad portfolio of products — the "right products" — provides quality, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

Hospira's Commitment

Hospira has an unwavering commitment to:

Its customers, delivering on its promise by serving their needs with integrity and trust.
Its employees, by embracing diversity of thought and cultural perspective, and fostering an environment of empowerment, fairness and respect.
Its shareholders, by safeguarding their investment and providing a fair return.
Its communities, acknowledging its social responsibility through active citizenship and thoughtful giving.
Learn more about how Hospira is living up to its commitment to these stakeholders and a progress update on the company's ongoing efforts to enhance environmental, health and safety performance by downloading Hospira's global citizenship report.

Hospira's Values

The company's key values are based on the current strengths of its business, people and products, as well as the type of company Hospira aspires to be. Hospira will achieve its vision and deliver on its commitment through...

Integrity -- Hospira build respect and trust in itself, its products and its employees by setting high standards and acting on its values.
Ownership/Accountability -- Hospira's employees are its heart and soul. Its employees are counted on to advance the company's performance by meeting their commitments and keeping their promises.
Speed -- Hospira's employees are empowered and expected to act quickly and decisively while making informed decisions and ethical judgments.
Entrepreneurial Spirit -- Hospira respects and encourages visionary thinking by embracing people who are passionate champions of creative ideas and who are willing to persevere on behalf of innovation.